Man puts his stepchildren in economy while flying with the man he loves.

A WOMAN refused to go on holiday with her fiancée after finding out that he had booked her kids in economy class on a flight, while seating his own in first class.

The parent was to spend Thanksgiving with her partner’s families, and bring her children along.

The woman refused to fly with her fiancée after finding out that he had booked her kids in economy class and everyone else in first (stock image)


The woman refused to fly with her fiancée after finding out that he had booked her kids in economy class and everyone else in first (stock image)Credit to Alamy

But, when she arrived at the airport to find that he was paying for his two children and himself to sit in luxury while her children were left alone in the less expensive seats, she realized what a difference it made.

Reddit, a social media site, was contacted by her to find out if anyone else felt that she was acting unreasonably in refusing to board the flight.

She spoke out: “My fiancée has 3 kids from his former marriage whilst I have 2, from my former marriage as well.

“He wanted my children and me to attend thanksgiving with his extended family across country. It was supposed to happen yesterday.

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“He booked our tickets and everything but later, before the flight I found out that he, his kids and myself were put in first class whilst my 2 kids (14) & (10) were put in economy.

“I was stunned. He acted like it wasn’t a big deal and told us that it only took a few hours and that the children could ‘just hold on for a bit’.

“I quickly turned around and took my children and made my way to the airport.

“He began following us and screaming at me to get back, but I refused. I told him that I didn’t feel like spending thanksgiving with his family after this.

“My youngest cried because she never flew without me.”

After storming out, she returned to her home to celebrate the holiday alongside her family. Her soon-to-be husband boarded the flight exactly as she had planned.

After she landed, he began calling her, telling her to stop spoiling the children. His mother was even involved in one of his calls.

She said, “He went along with his children. Both me and my children are now home. He calls me constantly, blaming me and telling me that he doesn’t like me. His mom even texted to say that I should get over myself and stop teaching my children to be entitled and spoiled.

“She said that my character, personality, and mindset (or lack thereof) was shown by the fact that she was ‘willing’ for me to miss thanksgiving together with the family because of something so trivial.

“I have not replied but I feel horrible. Should I have just let it slide and just went?”

A lot of people were on the woman’s side, saying she had every right to walk away from the flight if her fiancée wasn’t going to treat their kids equally.

One wrote: “He’s sending a direct message that your kids aren’t members of his family. Rethink this marriage.”

Another thought: “Either EVERYONE goes first class or ALL kids go economy. He needs to treat all kids equal.”

While the overwhelming majority of responses were in favor of the woman’s actions and sentiments, not everyone was quite as angry as she was.

One of them said: “I honestly don’t think it was a big deal that they had economy.”

After her mother refused to pay to fly first class, the woman ended her relationship with her boyfriend.

This passenger then upgraded the ticket of their unreceptive partner, only to find out she was wrong.

The woman walked out of the airport and left her partner to fly with just his kids (stock image)


The woman left her husband at home and walked out of the airport.Credit to Alamy

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