The series follows two neighbors, a detective and an everyday woman who have anger management issues. The detective No Hwi-oh and his neighbor Lee Min-Kyung hated each other at first. However, they find many things every day between them, like they see the same psychiatrist.
In time, they seem to understand the uncanny similarity between the two. Their paths are destined to cross again, and as it does, they become attracted to each other, and things worked out for the better.
Their journey from being enemies to becoming lovers makes the series quite entertaining to watch. According to critics, the series is quite stylish, which is a delight for anyone to watch.
Mad for Each Other Season 2: Release Date
The Korean drama will premiere on Netflix, where people from across the world will binge the series. The series has already been released on Netflix on the 14th of June, 2021.
However, the viewers from the UK can start streaming from the 30th of June, 2021. In less than three days, Netflix has made the unique K-Drama ‘Mad for Each Other’ available for each other almost immediately.Â
Netflix, makers, and actors of the series are yet to reveal if the series will return for a second season. Most K-Dramas are one season long and there is no revelation if the series will be back for second season. Fans can only hope that the series will be renewed for a second season.
Mad for Each Other: Plot
The series is known by several names in Korea, such as The Crazy Guy in This District, Insane Person in the Area, Guyeogui MichinX, InsaneX in Town, among others. The plot revolves around Lee Min Kyung, stuck in a different delusion backed up by obsessive compulsion.
For a long time, Kyung lived an ordinary life of a pretty woman and worked in a respectable job until one incident changed her entire life. Later, she wasn’t able to trust anyone in her life after that very incident.
In addition to this, there is another character, the protagonist, No Whi Oh, who works with Gangnam Police station who suddenly becomes a crazy person due to one day in her detective life.