Liz Truss thinks that train drivers earn more than politicians


Liz Truss has appeared to be pretty unaware of her generous income and thinks she might have a better time of it if she was a train driver.

Asked by journalist Sebastian Payne what careers she would consider if she wasn’t a politician at the latest round of leadership hustings in Exeter, the frontrunner paused for thought and an audience member shouted out “train driver” as the audience laughed.

No, we don’t understand Tory comedy either.

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“Believe me it would be less stress and probably more money as well,” she said in response.

Would it be? Hmm…

Some basic fact checking: MPs earn around £84,000 for their role. And according to the Institute for Government, cabinet ministers can receive an extra £71,673 for their extra responsibilities.

Train drivers, on the other hand, earn between £24,000 and £65,000, according to the government’s own figures – so even at the upper end of the scale don’t come close to Truss’ bags.

Never mind, it is not like this is a woman who wants to preside over the entire country or anything…

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