Little Boy Who Lost Ears in Dog Attack Has Life Changed When Anaplastologist Creates Prosthetics


A little boy who lost his ears in a gruesome dog attack in 2018 has seen his life change thanks to a skilled doctor who is devoted to making realistic-looking prosthetics.

Anaplastologist Dr. Allison Vest restores anatomy like eyes, noses, fingers and toes with new silicon versions. Her work is featured on the new TLC series, “Body Parts.”

She met with 8-year-old Easton so she could begin the process of creating him new ears. He lost both in a dog attack.

“The first thing I start with to make your ears is taking an impression,” she explained to him.

“In Easton’s case we had a blank slate,” she told Inside Edition. “You can look at family members and see what genetically his ears might have looked like. You can sometimes ask the child, ‘Whose ears do you like?’”

Vest used a boy similar in age to Easton as a model for his new ears.

When it came time for the big reveal, Easton was all smiles. His mother, Kellie, was emotional.

“These are happy tears, I promise, not sad tears,” she said.


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