Lions of Panjshir freedom fighters hold the line against Taliban Attack!


Reports indicate that hundreds of fighters have been killed in bloody battles between the two countries. “Lion of Panjshir”Resistance fighters and Taliban were the terrorists who attacked the last stronghold of Afghanistan.

Reports of heavy fighting have been made around Panjshir Valley, an area located just 80 miles north from Kabul and considered an impenetrable natural defense fortress.

The casualty figures on both sides are still unknown, but reports indicate that the death toll has risen to the hundreds as the bloodshed goes on.

Officially called the National Resistance Front (NRF), the resistance forces have pledged to fight the Taliban to take over the last bastion in Afghanistan.

Taliban officials claimed the area had been destroyed. It sparked wild celebrations and 17 deaths in Kabul as fighters foolishly fired their guns into the high air.

Resistance sources deny this, and it is believed that the valley is still standing against the Taliban.

According to some, the stronghold, which is protected by mountains is still in the balance.

Nearly 200,000 people reside in this region, which has never been conquered. There are fighters who have fought back in the area against the Soviets in the 80s and the Taliban in the 90s.

Panjshir resistance fighters are local tribesmen fighting alongside former Afghan soldiers, police officers, and commandos trained in Western countries.

The force also has tanks, helicopters, artillery guns, and trucks in its arsenal as it prepares for a prolonged siege.

They now face a Taliban that is equipped with a huge multi-billion-dollar arsenal of US weapons. As the terrorists seize hundreds of thousands of pieces left behind, they are confronted by a Taliban.

Resistance is also known as “Lions of Panjshir” Partly led by Ahmad Massoud, Ahmad Massoud is the son of a legendary freedom fighter. “The Lion”The valley was defended in the 80s & 90s.

The remains of armored vehicles can still be seen in the narrow valley, echoing the Russians’ failed attacks.

Lions of Panjshir freedom fighters hold the line against Taliban Attack!

Amrullah Saleh is the ex-vice president of Afghanistan who declared himself the rightful leader, as per the constitution.

“There is no doubt we are in a difficult situation. We are under invasion by the Taliban,”He said this in a video message to The BBC.

He said: “We will not surrender, we are standing for Afghanistan.”

Saleh also denied Taliban claims he fled the country and accused Pakistani of aiding the terrorist forces. This was strongly denied by Islamabad.

Saleh, who is most well-known for his Western suits, was filmed in a traditional shalwar Kameez tunic and a flat woolen Pakol cap was favorably worn by Panjshiris.

“The resistance is continuing and will continue,” He added.

Officials claim that the Taliban are on the backfoot, with many hundred fighters currently trapped in the Taliban’s territory and running out of ammunition.

The militia is fighting under the flags of the Northern Alliance (a resistance movement that stood up against the Taliban in the 1990s), which includes the black, green, and white flags.

Saleh has been a fervent opponent of the West’s “betrayal” Afghanistan’s sudden and chaotic withdrawal by US forces is widely believed to have allowed the Taliban to rise to power again.

British, American, and other allied troops defeated the Taliban in 2001. They were allegedly harboring al-Qaeda terrorists who planned the attacks at the World Trade Centre on September 11.

As a result, 20 years of efforts by Western countries to rebuild Afghanistan have been completed. A new democratic government was established and the Taliban’s brutal laws were repealed.

Terrorist forces were constantly attacking the occupation, and US President Joe Biden declared that he wanted to end this so-called “occupation”. “forever wars”.

In just a few weeks, 20 years of hard work were overthrown by the Taliban who retook power sometimes unopposed and seized Kabul as Western forces boarded evacuation aircraft.

“The fighting here is heavy now, with casualties on both sides. The Taliban are using American munitions against us and Blackhawk helicopters are being flown in to reinforce their attacks,” Saleh wrote the Daily Mail.

He continued, “The West’s betrayal in Afghanistan is colossal.”

“The scenes at Kabul airport in recent days represented the humiliation of humanity, an embarrassment for any nation that has been involved in Afghanistan since the Taliban were routed by the US-led Coalition Force in the aftermath of the 9/11 atrocity.”

Saleh said: “This is not only shameful for President Biden, but it is also shameful for the whole of Western civilization.”

They imposed cruel executions, torture, and other harsh punishments when the Taliban ruled Afghanistan for the last time.

The group seems to be trying to present an updated face using a sophisticated PR operation, including an appearance on Good Morning Britain. “amnesty”For their enemies.

But reports of door-to-door killings are widespread – with any allies of the West particularly at risk.

Foreign secretary Dominic Raab today that Britain will not be recognising the Taliban as Afghanistan’s government “for the foreseeable future”.

He said that the West must be more like him. “adjust to the new reality”The country is now under the control of brutal insurgents.

Reporters were informed by the Cabinet Minister that they would not recognize the Taliban in the near future.

“But I think there is an important scope for engagement and dialogue.”

Panjshir resistance fighters prepared for war to defend Afghanistan’s last area not under Taliban rule