Lets find out more about: ‘What If…?’ Episode 7!


Lets find out more about: ‘What If…?’ Episode 7!

The ending of What If…? Episode 7 is in stark contrast with the rest of the episode. Most of the episode is basically just Thor partying on Earth so hard that he’s about to cause its destruction.

Jane is able to summon Frigga, his mother, and get Thor to stop the party. It feels like an animated superhero Ferris Bueller or Weekend at Bernie’s, especially when Thor *almost* gets away with his literal world-ending party.

Just when things seem perfect and happy, they turn sour. “A world restored, love blossoming,” The Watcher in the one narrating. “As children, both human and Asgardian, say, together, they lived happily ever after… Wait, what?”

A look of shock falls upon the Watcher’s face as he says, “Oh dear, perhaps I spoke too soon,” while a small army of Ultron walks out of a portal with every Infinity Stone.