Lauren Boebert Says the Romans Killed Jesus Because He Didn’t Have an AR-15 (Video)


Over the weekend, right wing Colorado Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert appeared at a conservative Christian event in Colorado Springs, where she said… a lot of very disturbing stuff. But we’re here to focus not on her apparent wish that God kill Joe Biden. Instead, we’re here to focus on a clunky joke Boebert told about Jesus Christ during her appearance.

Based on that joke, Boebert apparently thinks Jesus should have used modern assault weapons to avoid being crucified by the Romans. No really.

Boebert was attempting to mock concerns about the AR-15 rifle and similar types of guns, when she made the joke as a rebuttal to what she purports is a common argument by people who would like to see fewer dead children:

“On Twitter, a lot of the little Twitter trolls, they like to say ‘oh, Jesus didn’t need an AR-15, how many AR-15s do you think Jesus would have had?’ Well, he didn’t have enough to keep his government from killing him.”

Seth Meyers Apologizes to Lauren Boebert for Mistakenly Thinking ‘AR’ Stood for Assault Rifle: ‘I’m Sorry…for Not Giving a F–‘ (Video)

Just in case you’re having a hard time believing this actually happened, here’s the video:

Now, we aren’t theologians, and this writer isn’t even a Christian. But it’s pretty well known that the defining theological concept of Christianity is that Jesus, who if you’re a Christian you believe is also both God and the son of God at the same time, willingly allowed himself to be tortured and then executed by crucifixion as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of humanity. Suffice to say, Jesus going full Rambo on the Romans kind of achieves a different outcome.

But honestly? Sounds like one hell of a movie, uh, no pun intended.


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