Krakoa Era Comes to Dramatic Close in Exclusive X-Men Preview – Marvel Teases End


Title: Jean Grey Takes on the Phoenix in “Rise of the Powers of X” #5 Preview

In the latest preview of “Rise of the Powers of X” #5 by Looper, fans witness Jean Grey embracing the powers of the Phoenix. The mutants residing in Krakoa bask in this triumph, but the looming mission to confront Enigma serves as a stark reality check. Despite Cyclops’ unwavering faith in Jean, emphasizing, “If Jean’s on it, we’ve won,” victory is not guaranteed.

The Uncertain Future of Phoenix’s Battle

Mister Sinister’s Desperate Quest for Answers

Moira’s Revelation at Orchis Headquarters

Meanwhile, Mister Sinister frantically seeks insights into the outcome of Phoenix’s impending battle. He turns to the gifted clairvoyant Destiny, inquiring about the success of their ambitious endeavors. Destiny, rattled by her visions, withholds the prophecy from Sinister, showcasing a rare display of compassion even towards her sworn enemy.

The narrative shifts to Charles Xavier at Orchis headquarters, where Moira challenges his continued presence. In a mind-bending sequence, Xavier transports Moira back to a pivotal moment from the House of X/Powers of X saga in 2019, where the original Moira McTaggert unveiled her extraordinary abilities. The tension escalates as the fate of Krakoa hangs in the balance.

Marvelous artwork accompanies the preview below, featuring cover art by R.B. Silva and illustrations by Luciano Vecchio. The battle for supremacy unfolds as those existing beyond time clash with the present and the eternal, culminating in a decisive choice that will shape the destiny of all. Brace yourself for the epic conclusion of the Krakoan Age as the intertwined series draw to a thrilling close!


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