Kore-eda Hirokazu returns to Japanese Filmmaking with ‘Monster’


Kore-eda Hirokazu, Japan’s most recognizable auteur filmmaker is making his first film in Japan since his 2018 Cannes Palme d’Or winner “Shoplifters,”Gaga Distributor Announced Friday

Titled “Monster” and now in post-production, the film is also Koreeda’s first to be scripted by another writer, Sakamoto Yuji, whose credits include the 2021 hit romantic drama “I Fell in Love Like a Flower Bouquet.”

Kawamura Geneki is the producer. He has many hits, including the anime box office smashes for Shinkai Makoto and the current-release. “Suzume.”Kawamura, Koreeda also worked together on the Netflix original series. “The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House,”This is expected to be dropped on January 12, 2023.

Although the main cast has not been announced yet, a June 2, 2023 release date has been set with Gaga and Toho distributing.

Since the publication “Shoplifters,”Koreeda made two films overseas: the 2019 French film “The Truth”The 2022 Korean film “Broker.”Japan was a different place. “Shoplifters,”The film earned $33 million in 2018 locally. The new film, with two distribution powerhouses behind it, promises a return to the director’s earlier box office form.

Kore-eda has been unusually vocal over the past year urging Japan’s film industry for reform and structural changes. He and six other directors belonging to a group called Eiga Kantoku Yushi no Kai (translation: Voluntary Association of Film Directors) launched action4cinema/Coalition for the Establishment of a Japan CNC (A4C), a non-profit dedicated to addressing ingrained industry problems and campaigning for the establishment of a body similar to France’s CNC.


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