Kanye West Allegedly Gained 30 Pounds After Kim Kardashian Filed For Divorce Last Year, Dubious Source Said


Is Kanye West still eating to cope with his divorce? Last year, one tabloid claimed the “We Major” rapper had gained 30 pounds and counting because Kim Kardashian left him. Gossip Cop is looking back on that story to see what’s changed.

Kanye’s ‘Gut-Busting 6,000 Calorie’ Meals

Per the Globe, West was eating his feelings. After Kim Kardashian filed for divorce, his friends were supposedly worried about West gorging himself into an early grave. Sources said he regularly ate over 6,000 calories per meal and was at 310 pounds. A “mole” said, “He can put away six or seven sausage patties, ten or 12 rashers of bacon, four hash browns and still be hungry!” West was wallowing in the muck of gluttony without Kardashian.

This story failed to note West and Kardashian were separated for nearly a year before she filed for divorce. While West is known to love junk food, there was no proof his diet had suddenly changed between the separation and divorce. Also, 6,000 calories is a lot, even for someone like Dwayne Johnson, let alone West. It’s pretty hard to believe the rapper could put down four Big Macs per sitting per day.

How’s Kanye West Doing?

Just a few weeks ago, West’s appearance caught some attention in March, but not for his weight. The eye is naturally drawn to the enormous boots he has on, but peer up to his upper body and you’ll see he’s clearly not over 310 pounds. West has had an exhausting year since this story came out, but his body looks pretty much the same.

How exhausting was that year? Well, he’s still fighting the divorce with all his might. He’s begun a social media war with Khloe Kardashian and has openly discussed assaulting Kardashian’s new boyfriend Pete Davidson. West also found the time to release new records, Donda and Donda 2, where his collaboration and relationship with alleged rapist Marilyn Manson became a flashpoint.

West is always in the news, and there are always cameras on him. His appearance does not match what the Globe promised, so Gossip Cop was right to debunk this story.

Kanye West’s History

This was not the final time this tabloid targeted Kanye West. it later claimed West was saying Kardashian lacked the guts to go forward with the divorce. West is not exactly known for his tact, so he’s unloaded on Kardashian publicly plenty of times. He never expressed this.

Gossip Cop also debunked its article about him attacking Kardashian for supposedly flashing folks in Vatican City. Again: He never said any of this. If you want to know how West feels about something, just check his Instagram for the latest rant.


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