Jussie Smollett’s Singing The ‘B-Boy Blues’As His Directorial Debut


Jussie was doing apparently more than simply visiting Subway after his forced downtime.

The former EmpireStar stars in a new movie B-Boy Blues,This is his first directorial effort. The film was screened in Harlem on Friday by the director.

Smollett will be tried in Chicago on Nov. 29 for his involvement in a fake hate crime he allegedly orchestrated. Smollett initially told police that he was attacked and raped by two men. Smollett later revealed that the two men who helped him set up the attack paid $3,500. Smollett was hoping to capture the moment on film. The nation was briefly upset by the case until the details were revealed.

The case was dismissed at first and Smollett forfeited his $10,000 bond. Nearly a year later Dan Webb, Cook County Special Prosecutor, led the indictment of Smollett on six additional counts of disorderly conduct.

The Blues for B-Boysfilm is based on James Earl Hardy’s 1994 novel of the same name.

Smollett posted about the film’s screening on Instagram.

“To see all the love for the film is crazy beautiful,”He stated. “More to come while I catch up but to everyone who came out last night with so much love and community… on behalf of everyone @bboybluesfilm, thank you.”


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