Jon Gosselin was just hospitalized for a strange reason


Jon Gosselin was just hospitalized for a strange reason

Jon Gosselin spoke Central RecorderThis is a frightening story about a medical crisis that could have grave repercussions. Jon was not there when tragedy struck. “DJ-ing for the weekend in Philadelphia.”But, he “woke after a night of music and fun and went to stand up only to fall back down on the bed.”Jon recalled. “I was in excruciating pain.”The former “Jon & Kate Plus 8” star continued, “It was really weird because when I looked at my leg I realized it was twice the [normal] size and there’s a red-looking blister with a large red circle around it.”He described the lesion further, saying: “It kind of looked like a cigarette burn, but really raised.”

Jon sought immediate medical attention and was diagnosed with a serious condition. He dished, “The doc immediately knew the pain was from a brown recluse, which is a deadly spider. My entire leg had swollen up from the cellulitis.”Jon went on to explain. “The doctor told me that I was lucky to come in because if you don’t treat this you can lose limbs or die from a bacterial infection.”He stated that “the antibiotic is so strong it’s made me ill. I’m losing pounds again.”Jon has an uncanny sense of humor, despite all the difficulties. He joked, “I just wish I knew where the spider was so I can take my revenge.” Luckily for the spider, Jon is currently on a road trip with Hannah.


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