‘Jeopardy!’ Fans Mock Recent Contestants’ Fact Flubs


Most Jeopardy!Viewers tune in to watch the contestants demonstrate their knowledge of many different facts. However, lately, it seems like the game show players aren’t impressing Jeopardy! Fans are known for making silly guesses and missing simple questions.

‘Jeopardy!’ Contestants Can’t Figure Out How Old Diana Ross Is

Twitter went wild over two answers that involved numbers. The first question asked the contestants to guess musical icon Diana Ross’ age, using a 78-RPM record as a clue. The contestants were clueless. One player correctly predicted that Ross was now 90 years old.

This isn’t the first time the former Supreme’s age has been incorrectly guessed. A few months before, Ross was guessed to be 95 years old. Twitter was quickly used by people to mock the incorrect guesses.

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“Jake made me feel old that he didn’t know there were 78 LPs, or that Lady Diana Ross was 78,” One Twitter user laughed. “Then, he guessed the iconic Miss Ross was 90 years old.”Another author wrote “Poor Diana Ross. She always gets insulted on a Jeopardy question.”

Fans blast contestants over incorrect facts, from Obama to The Bronx

This wasn’t the only recent Jeopardy! gaff. Another contestant correctly guessed that Barack Obama was the 38th president, not the 44th.

“When the #Jeopardy contestants think Barack Obama was the 38th president and think 90 RPM records were once a thing, I’m like, ‘Hey, I should be on Jeopardy,’ conveniently ignoring the dozens of responses I got wrong,” one person joked.

Another Tweet, “Imagine trying to get on #Jeopardy for years to see someone on the show call Obama the 38th president.” The wrong answers didn’t stop there, though. The game show’s fans were also puzzled by the fact that none of the contestants could recall that the Bronx was one of five boroughs that makes up New York City.

“It’s official y’all. The Bronx is no longer a borough,”Someone laughed. “#Jeopardy has spoken!” Another fumed, “how the f*ck do 3 jeopardy contestants not come up with the correct response for the final clue in ‘which new york city borough?’ 4 were already given for the first 4 in that category, so 1 remains…do these people even watch the f*cking show? of course it was the bronx”

These guesses have many benefits Jeopardy! Fans are curious about the quality of contestants in these days. “Seems like the contestants are pretty weak lately,”One person tweeted. It seems like the fans of Jeopardy!We hope the next round is a bit sharper for game show contestants!

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