Jennifer Aniston Slams Brad Pitt and Her Claim to Why They Split

Jennifer AnistonThis is the first time that this has been done.

After many years of speculation, the rumors about her private life have ended. FriendsAlumna is sharing her story about trying to get pregnant. “It was a challenging road for me, the baby-making road,”Aniston, 53 years old, said AllureThe outlet also noted her experience. “several”It was many years ago. “All the years and years and years of speculation…It was really hard.”

While Aniston doesn’t mention him by name, she took aim at rumors that followed her 2005 divorce from Brad PittThe – including the “narrative that I was just selfish” “just cared about my career.”

“And God forbid a woman is successful and doesn’t have a child,” Aniston, who separated from actor Justin TherouxIn 2018, “And the reason my husband left me, why we broke up and ended our marriage, was because I wouldn’t give him a kid. It was absolute lies. I don’t have anything to hide at this point.”

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