Janet Jackson and Michael Jackson separated while filming “Scream” Video

  • Janet Jackson talked about her relationship to Michael Jackson in her documentary. “Janet Jackson.”
  • Janet claimed Michael’s record company tried separating them while filming. “Scream”Music video
  • She also stated that there was a “shift”In their relationship after Michael’s death “Thriller” album.

Janet Jackson stated that Michael Jackson was not allowed to record the music video they made for their smash duet. “Scream.”

In her new A&E and Lifetime docuseries “Janet Jackson.,”Jackson was open about her rise to international stardom, personal struggles, and behind-the scenes information about her family.

The episode aired on Saturday night and featured the 55-year-old recalling how her relationship with Michael (Michael passed away in 2009) became strained after he achieved international stardom.

Janet claimed that after Michael was accused of child sexual abuse in 1993, she attempted to support her brother despite her career being affected by the allegations. One way she did this was by agreeing to work with her brother on the 1995 single.

Janet stated that Michael and Janet were apart throughout the production. Janet called it “The separation”. “tough.”

“Michael shot nights. I shot days. His record company would block off his set so that I couldn’t see what was going on. They didn’t want me on set,”Janet said. “I felt like they were trying to make it very competitive between the two of us.”

The singer stated that she was angry by the incident.

“That really hurt me because I felt I was there fighting the fight with him, not to battle him. I wanted it to feel like old times between he and I, and it didn’t. Old times had long passed,”She said.

Janet stated in the documentary that Janet and her husband had gone through a difficult time. “shift”Michael’s “Thriller”The album was first released in 1982. Janet was 16 at the time, and Michael was 24.

“I remember really loving the ‘Thriller’ album, but for the first time, that’s when I felt it was different between the two of us. That a shift was happening,”She said.

Janet claimed that the two spent a lot of time in Janet’s bedroom but that one encounter was what made Janet a lasting impression.

“He would always come in my room and we’d talk, and this particular time, he came in my bedroom. Neither of us said a word to each other, and then he got up and left. That’s the time Mike and I started going our separate ways,”Janet said. “He just wasn’t as fun as he used to be.”

Janet Jackson and Michael Jackson

Janet Jackson and Michael Jackson are children.


Insider reached out to Janet and Epic Records for clarification, but they did not respond immediately.

Janet also talked about her relationship with James DeBarge in the documentary. Janet was 18 years old when DeBarge was 21 and Janet was 18.

She claimed that she was left alone in a hotel room for three hours after they tried the knot. Janet also denied a decades-old rumor that she and DeBarge had a secret child, saying, “I could never keep a child away from James. How could I keep a child from their father? I could never do that. That’s not right.”

You can view the documentary hereLifetimeandA&E.


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