James Gunn, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 director teases a tragic end


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 won’t hit theaters until May 5th, 2023, and that assumes Marvel sticks to the current release schedule. James Gunn is filming the movie right now, and the director has shared teasers of what the film can offer fans. After saying that Guardians of the Galaxy 3 isn’t going to be the movie you expect, the director is back with another teaser. And just like last time, it’s not necessarily good news. Gunn suggests that Guardians 3The end result will be quite tragic.

Before we move on, we’ll warn you that Below are spoilers.

Here’s where the Guardians story left off

Guardians of the GalaxyMarvel has had an amazing success with this film. It introduced a team of unknown superheroes, many of whom hail from different parts. The Gunn movie, which was action-packed and hilarious, seemed to have no connection with the rest of MCU or Avengers.

We stayed with the Guardians in the Vol 2.Before watching them in, please refer to the sequel Infinity WarAnd Endgame. And it all paid off.

Having these interactions between the Earth’s mightiest heroes and the Guardians was a fantastic experience. And we’re likely going to see some of the Guardians in Thor: Love and Thunder later this year — before we move on to Guardians 3Its potentially heartbreaking final.

In this short recap, we will say that Guardians of the GalaxyFilms have so far presented lighter stories. Each character has experienced their own tragedy, and they’re forever scarred as a result. The first two are the most memorable. GuardiansEpisodes had a lighter tone than other MCU movies. The GuardiansMCU movie fans of any age will enjoy these movies as a family movie without needing to confront the darkness of any individual characters.

Guardians can still be subject to terrible things. And we’ve witnessed a few massive challenges thrown their way.

Gamora (Zoe Saldana), died in Infinity WarWe got a replacement for her in a variant of the same name Endgame. Nebula (Karen Gillan), and Rocket (Bradley Cooper), spent five years apart from their friends, as the Guardians who remained died in Infinity War. These events could have an impact on the Guardians dynamic Vol 3.Which will bring an end to the first Guardians trilogy.

Avengers Infinity War
Titan in the hands of Avengers and Guardians members Avengers: Infinity War. Source: Marvel Studios

Is there any tragedy in the Guardians 3 finale?

Director James Gunn spoke with Podcast The DeadlineInformation about his Marvel, DC and other projects. Additionally, Guardians 3, he’s also involved in the PeacemakerThe series is available on HBO Max.

That’s where the director offered the kind of Guardians 3Teasers fans may not like. Gunn stated that the sequel will be the final chapter of this team.

“This is the end for us, the last time people will see this team of Guardians,”The director spoke out.

That’s not necessarily surprising. It is also true that the primary Gamora has already died. But it’s not all tragedy in this Guardians 3Finale teaser. Gunn’s phrase was perfect. He suggests that we might be able to see a new team after the events. Vol. 3.

However, he teased the movie’s potential tragedy. “It’s big; it’s so, so big and dark, and different from what people might be expecting it to be,”Gunn stated.

Whatever the Guardians’ mission might be, Gunn’s comments suggest that it won’t necessarily deliver a happy ending. And we already know that Marvel isn’t afraid to kill or retire major MCU characters.

“I just want to be true to the characters, the story and give people the wrap-up that they deserve for the story,”Gunn stated. “That’s always a little bit scary; I’m doing my best.”

Gunn didn’t reveal any details about the matter. Guardians 3The plot or the finale. But he’s very aware that third films in trilogies are often disappointing. He does his best to avoid disappointing third films in trilogies. Guardians 3It was a disappointing film.

“I’m aware that the third film in most trilogies sucks; not always,”He added.

Mixtape Vol. 3

Gunn did not reveal any tragic details about the movie, except that the Guardians use music. Gunn said that the mixtape was in Guardians 3It will be “Youndu’s Zune; the Zune is the mix.”

It’s already heartbreaking to know that anyone on the planet still uses a Zune for music.


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