J.K. Rowling is threatened with death for supporting Salman Rushdie


J.K. Rowling, author best known for writing The “Harry Potter”Series is now in contact with authorities after she was threatened with death on Twitter for her support for Salman Rushdie, a novelist.

Rushdie was being prepared to deliver a speech Friday in western New York when he was brutally attacked. Rowling posted that the attack was over in the aftermath. “Horrifying news”She was. “Feeling very sick right now. Let him be ok.” A Twitter user going by the name Meer Asif Aziz — whose bio described him as “student, social activist, political activist and research activist” — replied “Don’t worry you are next.”

A separate post by Aziz described Hadi Matear, the suspect who was arrested in connection with the attack as “a” “revolutionary Shia fighter.”

Salman Rushdie Attack Suspect Arrested, Charged With Attempted Murder and Assault

Rowling took a screenshot of Aziz’s threat and reached out to @TwitterSupport to alert them.

Later, she posted an update to the same thread and wrote: “To all sending supportive messages: thank you. Police are involved (were already involved on other threats).”

Rowling was previously attacked by trans activists because of her controversial remarks on gender.

Warner Bros. Discovery, which is the home of Rowling’s Wizarding World properties, issued this statement in response to her threat: “Warner Bros. Discovery strongly condemns the threats made against JK Rowling. We stand with her and all the authors, storytellers and creators who bravely express their creativity and opinions. WBD believes in freedom of expression, peaceful discourse and supporting those who offer their views in the public arena. Our thoughts are with Sir Salman Rushdie and his family following the senseless act of violence in New York. The company strongly condemns any form of threat, violence or intimidation when opinions, beliefs and thoughts might differ.”

Rushdie sustained nerve damage to his arm and liver, and could lose his sight in one eye following being stabbed up 15 times. After the publication of his 1998 novel, Rushdie was forced to hide. “The Satanic Verses,”Some Muslims believe it contains blasphemous messages. He has been living in America since 2000.


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