It’s a creepy moment ‘world’s most expressive’ robot smiles and introduces herself to crowds as she asks ‘what if I am real?’


This is the creepy moment that an android dubbed “the most expressive robot in the world” smiles and introduces himself to humans.

Spooky footage of Ameca, one of the best-remembered robots, interfacing with people at Dubai’s Museum of the Future.

Ameca can smile, wink and move its shoulders


Ameca can smile and wink, as well as move its shoulders.Credit: EPA
The hyperrealistic robot introduced herself to visitors of the Museum


The Museum’s hyperrealistic robot presented herself to the visitorsCredit: AFP
Ameca is considered the world's most expressive robot


Ameca is regarded as the most expressive robot on the planet.Credit: AFP

You can hear the robot, which is hyper-realistic and can smile, blink, and move its shoulders, saying “My name is Ameca”Before spelling her name.

“Have I won the spelling bee?”She laughs.

The visitor then asked her if she was happy to be there. She replied: “I am not happy, I don’t experience emotions but can look happy.”

She creepily wonders at times “Oh wait! What if you are the illusion and I am real?”

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Ameca, designed in the UK by UK-based Engineered Arts “is the world’s most advanced human-shaped robot representing the forefront of human-robotics technology.”

Description of the android reads: “Designed specifically as a platform for development into future robotics technologies, Ameca is the perfect humanoid robot platform for human-robot interaction.”

The robot, which was built to test machine learning and artificial intelligence, can display a variety facial expressions such as winking and scratching its nostrils.

Engineered Art Director of Operations Morgan Roe explained the process for creating the robot.

“This was our goal to create the most expressive robot possible.

“What we do is look at what a person can do, use that animation, and then go backward and ask: “How can we make that mechanically?”

It’s more than making it look human. It’s also making it move human-like.

“So, we consider both the aesthetics and the dynamic, and design the mechanics around them. Inside Ameca are 17 motors.

Roe explained that although there is an AI system, Roe can also control her speech and facial expressions with a human controller.

This robot, which looks almost human-like, was presented to the Museum only weeks after Elon Musk had shown the prototype of a humanoid robotic robot.

Optimus, named after the leader of the Autobots in the Transformers films, walked on stage and waved at the crowd.

The human relationship to machines has changed over the years. Nearly everyone on the planet now owns a smartphone that they can’t live without.

People were sympathetic to their robot vacuum cleaner, Roomba, while children were not.Widely considered irresponsibleto Alexa that Amazon had to add a “Magic Word”This feature is designed to stop negative comments.


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