It was hilarious for men to guess what an IUD is.

A woman challenged men on Twitter to identify what was in this photo – and the responses were priceless.

The image, which received thousands of retweets as well as likes and replies, showed a small, copper device, along with a jokey tweet that read: “Since you boys know everything what’s this?”

Some users simply couldn’t find the words to describe their situation and replaced the answers with a series of clueless memes. Some users responded with hilarious answers.

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One joked that the small copper device was a “pogo stick for ants”One suggested that it should be a “jackhammer for gnomes.”You can see it here.

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One person creatively suggested that Apple’s sim card device had a glow up.

It was thought to be an Aries symbol, and some people linked it with astrology.

Despite the many hilarious responses, there were still some who couldn’t believe their eyes. One even asked if it was a miniature Tampon.

The Twitter user intervened and saved it. “pogo stick for rodents”It would make for a fascinating story, as the mystery device is actually a form of contraception.

Her answer explained: “Intrauterine device, it’s put into your womb (uterus) by a doctor or nurse. It releases copper to stop you getting pregnant, and protects against pregnancy for between 5 and 10 years. It’s sometimes called a “coil”Oder “copper coil”Oder “Copper IUD.”

IUD’s are incredibly effective forms of birth control inserted by a health professional that stay in the uterus anywhere from three to 10 years. Although there are two types, hormonal and copper, they look almost identical to the small T-shaped device shown in this photo.

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