It is possible that Guardians of the Galaxy 3’s trailer has leaked


After you have completed the Guardians Holiday Special Hits Disney Plus The official end of Phase 4 in the MCU will come this Friday. The next phase of the MCU will be Phase 5, which includes two huge movies that could have a significant impact on the storyline. We’re looking at Quantumania: Ant-Man and The Wasp And Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3They’ll premiere in this order. The trailer has already been released for the first. Guardians 3 trailer’s release date might be coming up soon.

That’s what a leak says, and it also seemingly reveals some of the action in the upcoming trailer. You should not be able to tolerate MCU spoilers..

Already, we have two Marvel sources that are well-known who tell us how enormous they have been Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Will be.

James Gunn is the first, and the director/writer of The. Guardians saga. He’s been teasing the events in the third installment in various interviews in the past few months. It is clear that the movie will not be an action-packed comedy as we had expected.

Not only will some Guardians die, These deaths may be irreversible. That’s an essential distinction because Groot (Vin Diesel) and Gamora (Zoe Saldana) already died in the MCU. Keen Gillan also died, though not the main Nebula. Rocket (Bradley Cooper), Nebula and nearly everyone else vanished at end of Infinity War.

Separately, Kevin Feige gave away Marvel’s playbook for the third part of a franchise while addressing Deadpool 3. He explained that Marvel’s goal has been to tell bigger stories with these third installments.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Title card. Source: Disney

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Trailer Release Date

Marvel showed us a prototype of this device already. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 trailer at Comic-Con. We covered the story in detail. It quickly leaked online. But we have no idea if that’s what we’ll see in the film’s first official trailer.

Only the studio released it Ant-Man 3 trailer, which dropped about four months ahead of the film’s mid-February debut. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Marvel may take its time on this movie, which premiered in May.

But there’s a big Guardians Holiday Special Trailer details and plot information leaked from a plot leak. Guardians 3The leak includes a possible release date. This leak is from MarvelStudiosSpoilers Subreddit is labelled as trusted information by mods

A source claims that there is a connection between the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Trailer will be available on next Thursday, the 1st of December. The trailer will be ready for viewing in theatres before the release. The Way of Water: Avatar The premiere will be held on December 16th.

A source unconfirmed said that the following: Indiana Jones 5 trailer could also be attached to James Cameron’s big Avatar sequel.

Kraglin (Sean Gunn) next to the Guardians and Thor in Thor 4 trailer
Kraglin (Sean Gunn), right next to Thor 4’s Guardians. Source: Marvel Studios

What happens inside the trailer

This leak lists scenes Marvel is supposedly going to show in the movie. Guardians 3 trailer. Here’s what one version of the trailer might look like:

The Guardians land on what looks like Earth but it’s not quite right. The entire population has been genetically altered—it looks like they’re introducing the High Evolutionary’s Counter-Earth in this installment.

The High Evolutionary’s base is a grotesque body-horror looking mess. A girl is seen running ahead of the High Evolutionary in an ungainly looking hamster-wheel contraption. (Sources note: the fact she’s in the trailer makes me think she may be a special character)

Gamora is seen holding a Polaroid and later, fighting with someone. We see all of the Guardians, including Gamora, what seems to be trying escape the High Evolutionary’s base.

We see Adam Warlock fighting someone—he has a jewel on his head and is gold like Ayesha.

There’s also a description of a second trailer in the leak:

Gamora is seen walking alongside the Guardians. We see Peter, Nebula, and Gamora interacting in an elevator in the High Evolutionary’s base and he says she died and came back a total dick.

According to the High Evolutionary, his secret mission in life is to build a perfect society. ‘The Guardians have no place in the new world.’

Rocket is pictured with Lady Lylla, the otter.

Adam seems to be fighting Drax, Groot and other people on Knowhere.

Gamora: ‘whoever you were in love with… it sounds like her!’ Peter looks at Nebula as if he is looking at her, and she points to Nebula. ‘wait hmmmm…’ Nebula shouts at Nebula for him to take it off.

That’s not enough information to figure out what happens in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. The reason the stakes could be so high. However, if the December 1st trailer release date claim is accurate, we’ll soon see whether or not the details above are correct.

More Marvel coverage: For more MCU news, visit our Marvel guide.


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