Israeli airstrikes in Rafah leave dozens dead as IDF targets Hamas ‘commanders’ – retribution for Tel Aviv attack


Israel IDF Eliminates Two Senior Hamas Chiefs in Precision Airstrike

The Israeli Defence Forces announced the successful elimination of two senior Hamas leaders in a precision airstrike in Rafah shortly after the terror group’s attack on Tel Aviv. Yassin Rabia, the head of the West Bank headquarters, and Khaled Najjar, a senior member of the unit, were killed in Tel Sultan, an area filled with displaced civilians.

Precision Airstrike Wipes Out Senior Hamas Leaders

In a targeted operation, the IDF struck a Hamas compound in Rafah controlled by “significant Hamas terrorists.” The strike, conducted on legitimate targets under international law, was based on precise intelligence indicating Hamas’ activities in the area.

Hamas Leaders Killed in Airstrike

Yassin Rabia, responsible for all Hamas terror operations in the area, was a key target in the strike. He orchestrated numerous attacks against Israeli forces, resulting in casualties among Israeli troops. Additionally, Khaled Najjar, in charge of Hamas funds in Rafah, was involved in attacks against civilians and IDF from 2001 to 2003.

Civilian Casualties in the Strike

While the IDF emphasizes the precision of the airstrike based on intelligence, the attack resulted in the deaths of at least 35 civilians and injuries to many more. Reports indicate that the strike harmed innocent civilians in the area, with most of the fatalities being women and children.

Condemnation of the Airstrike

Hamas denounced the attack on what they described as an area densely populated with displaced individuals. The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza reported the loss of numerous civilian lives, primarily women and children, with thousands seeking shelter in the western part of Rafah following the ground invasion by the IDF.

Chilling Rocket Attacks by Hamas

The strike came shortly after Hamas launched multiple rockets at Israel for the first time in months, prompting evacuations of civilians in Tel Aviv. Rocket sirens blared across the city as Israel’s Iron Dome intercepted several missiles, showcasing the effectiveness of the air defence system.

Ongoing Situation in Rafah

The assault on Rafah continues as Israel aims to eradicate Hamas’s presence in the city, identified as the group’s last significant stronghold in the region. Through targeted strikes on terrorist infrastructure and repeated airstrikes, the IDF is navigating the complex situation in Rafah.

Pressure for Rescuing Hostages

Efforts to rescue hostages trapped in underground hideouts in Rafah intensify as Israel seeks to secure the release of around 120 individuals, including young girls and the elderly. The ongoing conflict in Rafah underscores the urgency of resolving the humanitarian crisis in the area.

International Response and Arrest Warrants

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has called for an immediate halt to the military offensive in Rafah, citing a deteriorating humanitarian situation. Calls for ceasefires and international intervention echo in the global community, with the ICC pursuing arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders on allegations of war crimes.


The conflict in Rafah reflects the complex dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian situation, with ongoing military operations, civilian casualties, and international legal scrutiny shaping the narrative. As the IDF targets Hamas strongholds and the humanitarian crisis escalates, efforts towards peace and stability remain paramount in resolving the crisis.


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