Is Nope based upon a true story? What inspired Jordan Peele to create it?


AfterGet Out And Contact UsHorror fans hail Jordan Peele, the most promising filmmaker in horror for many years.

His 2017 directorial feature debut was a sign of a remarkable talent. He was able produce socially conscious, thoughtful genre efforts without compromising entertainment value.

Fortunately, Contact UsIt was proven. Get out wasn’t a flash in the pan and it took little time at all for audiences to begin anticipating his third feature. The movie was finally announced as Nope and posters and teasers encouraged fans to ask the exciting question: Has Jordan Peele entered sci-fi territory with his third feature?

Later trailers confirmed that this project was about an alien invasion movie. However, with Jordan, it’s never something straightforward. You can’t always nail it down.

Now that it’s finally here, you may have another question. Is Nope based off a true story.


Is Nope based off a true story

No, Nope isn’t based solely on a true story. Despite this, ABC NewsJordan Peele was recently interviewed by me about Nope, which refers to the U.S. government’s declassification of a video showing Navy pilots encountering unexplained aircraft.

He shared his reactions to the news with us.

“It made it very real, very much in the moment. It’s one of the reasons, I guess, I can proudly say this movie is based on a true story. But what was most nerve-wracking or scary to me about the whole thing is that you’d like to think that when actual video proof of UFOs comes out that something would change in our lifestyle, not it’s really business as usual.”

He said: “It just proves that there is a desensitization to spectacle. We’re addicted and we’re in over our heads with this addiction. We have proof of UFOs or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), but the interest with the major public goes so far. It’s very interesting.”

The New York TimesIn 2021, it was reported that the Department of Defense had released a number of Navy videos. “unidentified aerial phenomena”Jordan can also say that Nope is partly based upon a true story. However, the movie is fiction.

NOPE | Official Trailer



NOPE | Official Trailer





Nope: Jordan Peele inspired by these movies

Moving on from real-life events that helped give birth to Nope, it’s also worth highlighting the films that Jordan had in mind when sculpting his latest feature.

In the aforementioned ABC News interview, he cited Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters with the Third Kind and M Night Shyamalan’s SignsThese are the overt influences.

“These are big-vision directors who have taken flying saucers and science fiction and have brought magic to the way they told those stories,”He elaborated. “I wanted to toss my hat in the ring to one of my favorite subgenres, in UFOs, and do it in a way only I can.”

He did however mention a few westerns in his speech to the contrary. Fox26 HoustonIncludes The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Once Upon A Time In The WestAnd Unforgiven.

Spielberg on the other side said it likely started with E.T. Extra-TerrestrialHe found the film particularly instructive in.

Is Nope available streaming?

No, Nope was not released in theatres in the US until Friday, July 22, 2022.

It is still unknown when streaming will be available. The film will finally arrive in cinemas in the UK on Friday, August 12, 2022.

Nope is now playing in theaters

Fans of The Gray Man want a sequel, and a Lloyd Hansen prequel.


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