Is Lupus Hereditary?


Is Lupus Hereditary?

The researchers say that while it is true there may be a genetic component in lupus risk, they have not identified a specific gene or genes as being the primary cause. Lupus Foundation of America. However, there may be a potential connection between certain gene variants and the chance that one will develop lupus — and those with a genetic susceptibility to the condition may be more likely to develop lupus in response to an environmental trigger, such as sunlight (via the Mayo Clinic).

The risk of lupus can increase when the disease runs in families, especially if a close relative has been diagnosed. It has also been seen in identical twins where one twin can be more susceptible to lupus when the other twin already has it. The risk, however, isn’t very high. It falls below 50%. Even fraternal siblings have lower risks. Having a parent with lupus is a predisposing factor as well — around 5% of children who have a parent with lupus will go on to develop the disease. Lupus is not a hereditary disease. Risk factors such as race, gender, age and sex may all be present.


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