Is Halloween Ends the last in the franchise’s series?


“It’s been four years since Michael Myers vanished without a trace…”

That may seem like a long time, but it’s nothing compared to how long we’ve been resurrecting the masked Michael Myers for more and more movies.

John Carpenter’s classic introduced us to the iconic slasher in 1978 and we’ve seen sequels, different timelines, a remake and even a sequel to the remake since then.

However, many fans declared David Gordon Green’s direct sequel to the original in 2018 the best of the franchise since the first film. Halloween Kills was a more contentious sequel. This will leave audiences searching for answers.

Before heading in, there’s a question you’ll want an answer to as soon as possible. Is Halloween the last?

Is Halloween Over?

Halloween Ends will be the final instalment of David’s recent Halloween trilogy and producer Jason Blum has confirmed that it’s also the last Halloween movie under Blumhouse. Jason spoke with Jason about this. Screenrant, explaining that Halloween Ends may mark the end of the new trilogy but it won’t be the last in the overall franchise:

“I didn’t say it’s gonna be the last Halloween movie. It’s our last Halloween movie. We have no more rights to make any more Halloween, so it goes back to Malek [Akkad]. And what he does, only he knows, but we are done.”

He also added: “And this is our last one and I think people will be very happy.”

Taking that into consideration, it marks the end of this particular set of films for now, just like Halloween: H20 marked the ending of a different era of the franchise back in 1998 – until Halloween: Resurrection, which proves Anything can happen.

Unfortunately, another Halloween project will be on the screens in the future.

‘We haven’t thought past the David Gordon Green trilogy’

As already mentioned, The Magic of Magic reports that Blumhouse signed on to do three Halloween movies and then the rights revert back to producer Malek Akkad after that; Malek’s father Moustapha produced the original run of Halloween sequels.

Malek was asked about during a conversation with Bloody Disgusting if they’d thought about the future beyond the new trilogy.

“I like to quote my dad,”He said, “who was quoting Donald Pleasence. They asked him, ‘Donald, how many of these are going to make?’ Donald Pleasance laughed and said, ‘I’m going to stop at 22.’ My Dad always liked to use that quote. I guess [Halloween Kills] is twelve, and if we go by that quote, we’ve got ten more.”

He continued: “Or other versions, other iterations, other fun things that we can do. But really, right now, the focus truly is … we haven’t thought past the David Gordon Green trilogy.”

Official Trailer| Official Trailer



Official Trailer| Official Trailer





Different Halloween timelines

Another movie could be made from Halloween Ends. Or, we could go back to the original and offer a new sequel or reboot.

It remains to be seen what the future holds, but it’s worth shining a light on the different Halloween timelines we’ve had so far:

First timeline

  • Halloween
  • Halloween 2
  • Halloween 4
  • Halloween 5
  • Halloween 6

Second timeline

  • Halloween
  • Halloween 2
  • Halloween: H20
  • Halloween Resurrection

Remake timeline (Rob Zombie movies)

Halloween 2

A new timeline

  • Halloween
  • Halloween (2018)
  • Halloween is Dead
  • Hallowen Ends

Halloween ends in theaters Friday, October 14th 2022.

Ponniyin Selvan 2 : Sequel is reportedly due to be released by June 2023


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