Is diarrhoea a symptom or Covid?

As Covid-19 infections continue spreading across the country, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms.

We all know the 3 main signs of Covid. However, is diarrhoea a sign that you have an infection or just a bad experience with food?

If you're suffering from a poorly tummy then it could be a sign of coronavirus, experts say


Experts say that a bloated stomach could indicate coronavirus.Credit: Getty – Contributor

How well the digestive and gastrointestinal systems function will affect bowel health in children and adults.

Sultan Dajani, a community pharmacist explained that if the bowel works properly, it can efficiently digest food and eliminate waste (i.e. The poo should be deposited easily, at least four times per week.

He said things can go wrong in the large bowel and the stool becomes too soft and liquid in consistency – which is a sign of diarrhoea.

The NHS outlined three symptoms of Covid-19 throughout the pandemic: a new, persistent cough, a high fever and a loss in taste and smell.

After more information was gathered by experts, anosmia (loss of taste and smell) was added to this list in May 2020.

These symptoms have evolved over time, with many people reporting headaches and chills since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Experts previously published data at the ZOE Covid Symptom StudyApp discovered that diarrhoea may be a sign of the condition.

Experts at the Centre for Disease Control in the US stated previously that patients had suffered diarrhoea.

ZOE experts said that if Covid is present and you also have diarrhoea and other symptoms, it may be more likely that your doctor will recommend that you go to the hospital.

They explained that Covid-19 causes diarrhoea similar to what you might experience from regular stomach bugs like norovirus or rotavirus. Diarrhoea occurs in children and adults. It usually goes away on its own.

“We believe Covid-19 can cause diarrhoea, as the virus can infect the cells of the gut and disrupt their normal functions.

What are the best times to seek assistance?

Diarrhoea should be treated as an emergency. The symptoms will resolve on their own.

If you are sick for more than two days, you must not return to school or work. This indicates that you may have a virus.

A pharmacist can assist with medications to relieve diarrhoea, and other symptoms such as dehydration.

Before you go in person, call a pharmacy. You can have your medicines delivered or asked someone to pick them up.

According to the NHS, you should call 111 if:

  • There is blood in your diarrhoea or you are bleeding from below
  • Diarrhoeas that have lasted longer than seven days or vomiting that has lasted for more than two consecutive days are considered to be diarrhoea.
  • Even though you are using rehydration packets, there may be signs of dehydration such as fewer wet nappies for young children.
  • you can’t keep fluid down
  • You are concerned about a baby younger than 12 months.
  • Your child has stopped breastfeeding (breast or bottles)

For your child or yourself, dial 999

  • Have bloody vomit or vomit that looks like ground coffee
  • Have green-green or yellow-green vomit
  • You might have swallowed poisonous substances
  • Have a stiff neck and discomfort when you look at bright lights
  • A sudden, severe headache or stomachache

“Covid-19 can be transmitted through poo and contaminated surfaces or hands. It’s critically important to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly clean bathrooms if you, anyone you live with, or someone you’re caring for has diarrhoea, to prevent the infection spreading.”

Diarrhoea can be an early warning sign for Covid-19. Experts state that it is usually seen within the first 24 hours of infection.

Adults can experience it for up to seven days. Some people may also have ongoing bouts of the poos after taking Covid-19.

Experts say that it is not a common symptom for Covid. However, it is more likely to occur as you age.

Two percent of those who test positive to Covid are thought to have diarrhoea.

This will be experienced by most people along with fatigue and headaches.

They also added: “Diarrhoea has also been associated with a greater risk of needing hospital support, particularly among people also reporting abdominal pain and unusual muscle pain.”

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