Inside Sue Radford’s 12-Hour Family Trip: Mum-of-22 Reveals Surprising Reality Beyond Disney


Title: The Radfords Are Jet-Setting Again! Find Out Where They’re Heading This Time

Britain’s Biggest Family, the Radfords, are always on the move. Just last month, they returned from an adventure in Florida, and now, they’re off on yet another vacation. This time, as the kids enjoy their half-term break, Sue and Noel are whisking their brood away yet again.

Travelling with 22 Kids: The Reality of the Radford Family
Whilst the exact destination remains a mystery, the Radford family embarked on a journey that involved a 12-hour car ferry ride. Sue Radford, the matriarch of the family, took to Instagram to share snippets of their travel experience, shedding light on the challenges of managing a family of 22 on the road.

A Stop at the Eurotunnel and a Glimpse of Luxembourg
The journey saw the family navigating through a busy Eurotunnel and eventually boarding a ferry, with Sue capturing moments along the way. As they neared their destination, glimpses of the Luxembourg flag hinted at their whereabouts, adding an element of mystery to their holiday plans.

Arrival and First Impressions
Upon reaching their vacation spot, Sue provided a sneak peek into their holiday retreat. However, not everything met Sue’s expectations, as she humorously pointed out her disapproval of the coffee cups provided at their accommodation.

Criticism and Trolling
Despite funding their travels independently, the Radford family has faced criticism and trolling for their frequent vacations. In their book, “The Radfords: Making Life Count,” Sue and Noel open up about dealing with social media backlash and addressing allegations of overspending on holidays.

Ignoring the Haters
In response to the negativity, Sue highlighted the importance of seizing the moment and embracing life’s opportunities. Dismissing the trolls’ comments as rooted in jealousy, she emphasized the significance of living life to the fullest and making memories without hesitation.

Share Your Story with Fabulous
If you have an exclusive story to share, be it related to family adventures or personal experiences, reach out to Fabulous at [email protected] with “EXCLUSIVE” in the subject line.

The Radford family’s travel escapades continue to captivate audiences, showcasing the joys and challenges of embarking on adventures with a large family in tow. As they set off on another holiday, the Radfords exemplify a spirited approach to life, celebrating each moment with enthusiasm and togetherness.


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