Inadvertently, babysitter takes her neighbor’s child on vacation for a week

A babysitter shared a remarkable story about how she was able to take her neighbor’s child on vacation for a whole week.

User @seenasyouasked shared a 1991 story about the topic in a TikTok video that has been viewed over 1.5 million times. “biggest mistake”That she has ever made.

She said: “I was 20 and newly married. I lived next door to a family with a toddler. He was two. I used to look after him and sometimes babysit for a couple of hours to help his mum out.”

After caring for the boy several times, she answered that the woman had asked her if she would mind taking care of him over night. She said: “Yeah, no problem, we know each other really well, that would be great. The problem is I’m actually going on holiday on Tuesday for a week.”

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This was fine for the mother, but it appeared that there had been some kind of communication breakdown. We’ll get to that later.

She continues her story by describing her London trip. “Monday comes along and she drops off this sweet little boy – he’s really lovely, he stayed overnight.

“We all packed our car early Tuesday morning and he was in the car seat. We drove to London, where we lived in Birmingham. I booked a hotel for us to stay in, so we had a little cot.

“He was so lovely, I got him food and bought some extra nappies as she hadn’t sent enough nappies for the week and I just went through the week with this little lad.

“I took him to Hyde Park Zoo and we had a great time! It was a great experience for him. He slept well, didn’t cry at night, loved it all.”

As this was the early 90s there were no mobile phones and as the woman was her neighbour she didn’t happen to have her phone number so she decided to send her a postcard instead.

Eventually, it was time for them to go home and when she returned the boy to his mother she found out that she had made a terrible mistake. The mother said: “It is so lovely of you to do this – truly wonderful. However, I must add this: I meant to say “that’s fine” that I would come back Tuesday morning to get him. I wasn’t really asking you to take him on vacation for the entire week.”

While she was undoubtedly shocked and very apologetic about what had happened the mother was actually quite thankful telling her: “Yes, I had a wonderful time and had a great week off!”

Needless to say people have been fascinated by the story. One comment on TikTok read: “I thought immediately, “Why are you taking him?” It was brilliant.”

Another said: “This would not have happened today.”

A third added: “She was so chill, thank you God.”

A fourth wrote: “I would have reacted exactly the same way as mum. “Huh, kid’s gone for the week with someone happy to take him? That’s a win!”

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