I’m a home expert – my cheap two-ingredient solution will stop pesky bugs coming indoors

WITH summer fast approaching, you can count on bugs to ruin pretty much every outdoor and indoor gathering.

The heat of your blasting AC is even more prone to attracting them.

Ceith Grifftih has revealed how to get rid of bugs


Ceith Grifftih has revealed how to get rid of bugsCredit: TikTok
He mixed soap into a bottle of water


He mixed soap into a bottle of waterCredit: TikTok

A home expert has revealed the perfect concoction for getting rid of them and it only takes two ingredients.

Ceith Griffith, who shares plenty of home hacks, took to social media to share “an amazing life hack.”

“You’re going to need Dawn dish soap, ten ounces of cold water, and distilled white vinegar,” he said in his TikTok video.

Once you’ve gathered your materials, add one ounce of Dawn to the water, mixing them together.

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Next, you’ll want to add another ounce of vinegar to a spray bottle followed by the soap and water mixture.

“Take the spray and spray around every doorway and windowsill around your home,” he instructed.

“This is going to repel any kind of bug and I mean, any kind!”

Previously, a mom had shared how she gets rid of bugs in her son’s sandbox.

“Get rid of bugs by mixing ground cinnamon into the play sand,” she said.

Showing her child enjoying playing in the sand, Michelle added: “Bonus: It smells amazing now!”

She captioned the video by writing: “Natural bug repellent sandbox hack!”

He then added that mixture into a spray bottle with vinegar


He then added that mixture into a spray bottle with vinegarCredit: TikTok
Spraying it on windowsills and door frames will keep the bugs out


Spraying it on windowsills and door frames will keep the bugs outCredit: TikTok

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