I’m a flight attendant – here is how we get noisy kids to be quiet on the plane


A FLIGHT attendant has shown how to get loud children to sit down on the plane.

Noisy children on flights can make long journey’s a real ordeal – but there is something you can do if you’re near a screaming child or they are kicking the back of your seat.

 There is something you can do if there are loud kids on a plane


If there are noisy children on the plane, you have a solution.Credit: Getty

It will require courage to tell the children off by yourself.

Travel and Leisure was previously informed by an anonymous cabin crew member: “It is much [more] real for a child when they are addressed by a stranger.”

If you’re bold enough to bypass their mum and dad and go straight to the child, you might just find some peace and quiet.

The flight attendant says that you are then within your rights to then speak to cabin crew if the child doesn’t quieten down – or indeed if their parents disagree with you.

They may be able to help with distractions for the child in the form of activities – which planes are normally stocked with.

The flight attendant continues to assist passengers: “Usually, planes [are stocked] with colouring books and things for kids to do.”

One parent received praise for her “genius” snack box game that kept kids entertained on flights.

Kate Bast explained that the game involved filling a small box with treats and then letting the kids find the two matching snacks under the lids.

These are other tips from flight attendants for parents who are travelling with young children.

After yelling at a mother for her children hitting his seat while on long-haul flights, a man caused a split in the community.

After telling their parents, another passenger asked them if they were in trouble. “control their kids”They were playing up for the flight.

 Being told off by a stranger often works on unruly kids


Unruly children often respond well to being told off by strangersCredit: Getty


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