I am a mother to seven children, but I still want more. Trolls keep asking me how I can afford such a large family. But we make it work.

MUM reveals that she wants more children even though she has seven.

Ariel Tyson, a Bozeman native from Montana, US, knew her heart was set on a large family.

Ariel and her husband Micheal Tyson, have seven children but still want more


Ariel and Micheal Tyson have seven children. They still want more/Arielctyson

However, the mother of six boys (and one girl) has received backlash for wanting more children.

Take to TikTokAriel answered one of her most frequently asked questions: ‘After seven children, are you hoping to have more?’

Ariel also admitted that Michael and she were not completely done having children.

She wrote: “Yes, either through birth or adoption.”

I got pregnant at 48 and 49, people say I’m crazy but I'm so lucky
We’re hippie parents and co sleep with our baby in a van - people troll us

The family is currently renovating and moving to Tennessee from Tennessee.

Ariel, an ex-college professor, gave birth in six years to five of her sons and is excited to welcome more members to the family.

In December 2021, her youngest daughter was born. Her mother then gave birth in just eleven years to her seven other children.

Trolls asked the mother how she manages to afford so many children and if she feels that she gives each one the care they deserve.

One wrote: “how can you financially support such a large family? what jobs do you do?”

Another comment: “How do you have time for each of them? That’s very selfish.”

A third comment was: “But why? You know that there r too many ppl on earth? We will run out of food by 2040.”

However, the mum stated that she does have help from Micheal, her family assistant. “As of October, I have an assistant (work/family) since I work from home, but other than that, no.”

Although there were many people who criticized the mother for her large family, others supported Ariel’s addition to her family.

One wrote: “Good for you. Medical reasons and age made us stop at 3 – but I’d have more in a heartbeat.”

Another comment: “You make such beautiful and happy babies why stop??!!! Time to continue the girl trend now!!!”

The third was penned “You really have a calling to be a mother! It’s amazing to see your enthusiasm for having a large family.”

Trolls asked how she could afford to look after all her children and why she would want such a large family


Trolls asked her how she was able to afford to care for all her children, and why she would want a large family.Credit: tiktok/@arielctyson

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