Hugh Jackman Joining “Deadpool 3″? James Mangold, Director at ‘Logan”, Had the Best Response


Hugh Jackman was convinced by Ryan Reynolds to play Wolverine once more in Tuesday’s news “Deadpool 3”A lot of people were confused about it. Because Wolverine died quite definitively in “Logan.”

Many frustrations and even anger followed. It was assumed that even though “Deadpool”Movies are based on cartoon logic. Jackman’s actions will be comical first and sensical second. Bringing Wolverine back to the film will somehow ruin the 2017 movie in which he was murdered. Many people were also critical of Marvel’s use of the multiverse to bring Jackman back.

But then “Logan”James Mangold, director, showed up with the most impressive response. A gif of greatness was posted late in the episode. “Logan”When Wolverine is killed.

Many people saw this as evidence that he agreed with the criticisms and was mad about the situation. But that’s not the case. Mangold responded with many niceties to the film’s stars and after receiving those responses.

Hugh Jackman to Return as Wolverine in ‘Deadpool 3’ With Ryan Reynolds

“Oh my gosh! Everybody chill. Just kidding! I’m all good! LOGAN will always be there. Multiverse or prequel, time warp or worm hole, canon or non-canon or even without a rationale, I cannot wait to see what maddness my dear friends @VancityReynolds and @RealHughJackman cook up!” Mangold:.

Reynolds replied with amusing praises for Mangold

The director of “Logan”The people who brought Wolverine back to life. The world can be at ease.


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