Hugh Grant behind Benny Hill theme music being played at Westminster


The Benny Hill theme tune has been played out of speakers at Westminster following Boris Johnson’s resignation as the leader of the Conservatives.

After Hugh Grant requested it on Twitter, Steve Bray performed the iconic slapstick music at number 10 Downing Street for Brexit protesters.

Live news broadcasts could hear the blaring theme as journalists reported the latest developments in the political story.

Today, Mr Bray celebrated his return of his speakers, one week after having them taken under a new law. This law is designed to reduce loud protests.

The actor from Notting Hill tweeted this: “Glad you have your speakers back. Do you by any chance have the Benny Hill music to hand?”

Then Mr Bray tweeted a video of the song being performed outside the Houses of Parliament.

He wrote: “Just for @HackedOffHugh as requested here today at the media circus… College Green. The Benny Hill theme tune.”

The Benny Hill theme was not the only satirical song to be played through Mr Bray’s speakers.

Good Morning Britain was interrupted briefly on Wednesday when a protester started singing Bye Bye Boris (a parody song written by Somerled McKay).

Bray, originally from Port Talbot, South Wales, has made numerous protests against Brexit at College Green throughout 2018-2019 and was previously heard shouting during TV news broadcasts.

He is also well-known for his distinctive top-hat and placards with antigovernment or Brexit messages that he carries when he walks into live TV reporting.


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