How to get Ash’s Dracovish in Pokémon Sword and Shield


AS part of a collaboration between the Pokémon games and the Pokémon anime, Ash’s Dracovish will be able to be downloaded in Pokémon Sword and Shield.

Here’s everything you need to know about this event Pokémon.

You can now get Ash's Dracovish from the anime.


Ash’s Dracovish can be obtained from the anime.Credit: The Pokemon Company

What is Ash’s Dracovish?

Ash’s Dracovish is a version of the Water/Dragon type Pokémon Dracovish that Ash uses in the anime.

It will have the same move set as Ash’s Pokémon, including Fishious Rend Dragon Rush, Ice Fang?, and Water Gun

It will also be able to Strong Jaw, which doubles the power of Ice Fang-type moves like Ice Fang.

It will also be able to provide almost perfect statistics 31 IVsIn Attack, Defense, and Speed 30 IVs HP, Special Attack, Special Defense.

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It’s a Naive nature that increases Speed by 10% and decreases Special Defense defense by 10%.

Ash’s Dracovish will be held in a Pokéball at Niveau 80, and has a Classic Ribbon.

How can I get Ash’s Dracovish?

To get Ash’s Dracovish you must redeem a special code in Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield.

You may redeem one Pokémon per save file.

Next, open the Main Menu and select the option. Mystery Gift option.

Choose Give a mystery giftAnd then Use code/password to get access.

Enter the code. GANJ0UAG0882.

When can I get Ash’s Dracovish?

Ash’s Dracovish is a limited-time event Pokémon and players will be unable to redeem it after the closing date.

It’s now available August 12, until August 25,

If you want to redeem Ash’s Dracovish, make sure you collect your Mystery Gift before the end date.

After the period is finished, even if the console’s date is changed to a time during the event you will not be able to redeem this Pokémon.

Georgina Young wrote this for the company GLHF.

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How to get Ash's Dracovish in Pokémon Sword and Shield

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