How Iran nuke chief was ‘killed by killer robot machine gun kitted out with AI’ and controlled by sniper miles away’


IRAN’S nuclear mastermind was assassinated by a killer robot machine gun which used artificial intelligence, a new report says.

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a senior official in Iran’s nuke programme, was shot 13 times while driving on a road to the east of capital Tehran in November last year.

Top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed in November last year


Top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed in November last year
He was reportedly in a car when he was shot 13 times


He was reportedly in a car when he was shot 13 timesCredit: AFP

At the time of his death, Iran claimed the killing was carried out remotely by Israel with artificial intelligence and a machine gun equipped with a “satellite-controlled smart system” that was being “controlled online.”

Almost a year later, a New York Times report, has confirmed the claims are true.

The report states the weapon was “kitted out with artificial intelligence and multiple-camera eyes, operated via satellite and capable of firing 600 rounds a minute.”

According to the paper, there had been several previous plots by Israel to take out Fakhrizadeh over the years and eventually a remote attack via a robot machine gun was decided.

The machine gun was concealed under tarpaulins or decoy material in the back of the pickup truck Nissan Zamyad.

Cameras were also installed on the truck to provide a complete view of the target and its surroundings, as well as explosives to destroy or blow up the evidence.

AI was developed to account for the delay of 1.6 seconds between the time the camera images reach the target and the moment that the sniper reacts to reach their machine gun.

Another decoy vehicle was found resting on a nearby jack and also with a camera.

The attack occurred on November 27, just before 3:30 pm local time.

Multiple bullets were fired from the machine gun. They hit the windshield of the vehicle below. The sniper then fired three more shots after adjusting it. Fakhrizadeh was also struck in the shoulder.

The target was reported to have stepped out from the car and been shot three times more.

However, the explosion meant to destroy robot evidence didn’t fully destroy it, which gave Iranian officials clues into how attack took place.

Fakhrizadeh was the mastermind behind Iran's nuke programme


Fakhrizadeh was the mastermind behind Iran’s nuke programme
Pictures from the scene show a black car peppered with bullets and blood-soaked tarmac


Pictures from the scene show a black car peppered with bullets and blood-soaked tarmac
Iran warns ‘no terror will go unanswered’ at funeral of nuke mastermind

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