Here are some of the most hilarious jokes and memes about Liz Truss crashing the economy


Well, it’s not taken her long, but reports are suggesting that Liz Truss is already Getting letters of no confidenceFrom Tory MPs.

It is due to concerns that Truss, Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng may be expelled “crash the economy”After the mini-budget declaration on Friday.

Opposition members, economists, Tory MPs and economists have all criticised Prime Minister Borrowing-fuelled Tax-Cutting Plans. This resulted in a terrible day for the Pound, as Labour also took its largest poll lead for over 20 years.

Top economists, currency markets, opposition parties and some Tory MPs have reacted with dismay to the prime minister and chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s borrowing-fuelled tax cut spree.

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People have had a lot of things to say online, with the PM facing huge backlash only a few weeks into his job and the future economic outlook uncertain.

These are the funniest memes about Truss’s torrid few days.

It is the result of a Tory backbencher telling The IndependentCombining the “disastrous”A mini-Budget was created and the pound plummeted “substantially reduced” the Tory party’s chances of winning the next election.

“It’s been deeply damaging to our reputation on the economy – but that’s what happens when you have ideologues running the show. They’re like tea party Republicans or right-wing Corbynistas,”The MP.

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