Here are 4 ways to get sunburnt that you shouldn’t try.

SUMMER is here, and Brits will be baking this weekend due to a heatwave.

We all love a golden tan. However, it is important to protect your skin from sunburns.

If you've been out in the sun a little bit too long then there's a chance you will be a little bit pink


There’s a possibility that you might be a little pink if you have been in the sun for a long time.Credit: Getty

It’s possible to look a little pink if you’ve been too active in the sun for too many hours.

However, experts warn against following social-media trends when it is about treating sunburns

Protect yourself from the sun as the temperatures rise by using sunscreen and hats.

Sunburns can be very painful. They can cause tenderness, blisters and swelling, as well as headaches, nausea, and fatigue.

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According to Melanoma UK, it only takes one blistering sunburn to double a person’s chances of developing melanoma later in life, with 90 percent thought to be caused by exposure to sun and UV light.

Victoria Evans, Education Manager atDermalogica“Sunburn can be caused by UVB radiation. Burning can happen in as short as 5-10 minutes.

“The trunk, neck, and face are up to four times as sensitive as the limbs. They will also burn more easily.

“It’s important to note that all skins can burn and you should wear SPF consistently to prevent this.”

Experts warn of dangerous sunburn remedies and recommend that sun protection be improved.

Here are some of these strange hacks, and their danger.

1. Mouthwash

Mouthwash is used to prevent and treat gum disease. It can also leave your mouth feeling fresh and minty, but it’s not for TikTokers.

One revealed she fills a spray bottle with mouthwash and sprays it directly on her sunburn to calm the sting.

Stephanie Taylor, Health and Wellbeing Specialist atStressNoMoreAccording to him, “This is an extreme and bizarre way to alleviate the pain of sunburn. It is not a fool-proof method.

“While the menthol or eucalyptol in the mint flavours may have cooling properties, it’s the 26.9 percent alcohol content in the original flavour, plus ingredients such as benzoic acid, that are problematic.”

Victoria stated that it was best to avoid menthol-based products in general.

2. Sour cream

This may seem like a good idea because of the lactic acid in this product, but experts say there are better options.

OneTikToker instructs others to spread it all over their sunburn and leave it on for an hour to eliminate all traces of sunburn.

Stephanie stated that sunburn can be treated with traditional moisturisers, which contain ingredients that soothe and alleviate pain, such as coconut oil, aloe vera, and soy-based moisturizers.

“You can even put your after sun or moisturiser in the fridge for that cool hit.”

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You’ve put on SPF, put on straw hats and still managed to burn.

Stephanie says there are ways to get out of sunburnt skin. Here are some.

Anshu Kaura, LloydsPharmacy Pharmacist said that taking care your skin after being in the sun should be a key part of your routine.

“Using aftersun, or rich moisturisers, will reduce sun damage and rehydrate dry, damaged skin.

“You should use after sun after any sun exposure, whether you have signs of damage or not”, Anshu said.

These are some ways to cope with burnt skin:

  • Aloe vera products will naturally cool stressed skin.
  • Use moisturizing products that are high in moisture and anti-reddening lotions.
  • A cold shower will give you instant relief
  • To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of fluids
  • Cover your burnt areas with clothes
  • Try closing your blinds to ensure that sunlight doesn’t get on your skin through windows

3. White vinegar

Stephanie said you should “absolutely NOT”Use white vinegar to your skin.

Vinegar is extremely acidic and has a PH level of 2 to 3.

“By putting undiluted vinegar on your skin, it can damage the skin’s fragile barrier and result in more pain and inflammation, plus potential chemical burns if exposed to bare skin for too long.”

4. Sun contouring

Sun contouring has been criticised in the past because it leaves your skin open to the sun.

Sunscreen makeup is becoming a popular way to contour your skin.

Stephanie explained that this is extremely dangerous for your skin.

She stated that while this might have some short-term benefits for facial tanning it could also cause skin damage, early signs and eventual skin cancer.

For sun protection, you can apply SPF 50 sunscreen to your skin every day in summer.

“This won’t prevent you from tanning but could prevent long-lasting and irreversible skin damage.”

You can stay safe in the sun

Different skin types can be affected by SPF. However, it is important to choose the right SPF to protect your skin.

LloydsPharmacy pharmacist Pareena Patel explains the difference in skin types and how UV exposure can affect us differently.

Pareena explains: “People with lighter skin tones are much more likely to experience skin damage from UV rays and are more prone to getting skin cancer as a result of sun exposure.

Experts warn sunburn can damage your skin and cause cancer.

It’s important that you have fun in the sun. However, it is also important to remember how damaging the sun can be for your skin.

Prof. Jonathan Roos and Dr Rachna Murthy, founders of FaceRestoration say each case of sunburn has potential to increase our risk of skin cancer, and it is important to understand that it’s not only big days by the sea that can cause damage.

They state: “Risk builds incrementally with each exposure to UV rays, so it’s necessary to be sun savvy in daily life – when travelling to work, walking the dog, picking up your post – whenever you’re outside.

“It’s essential to wear sun protection every day(even when it’s cloudy), this healthy habit reduces probability of the damage that can lead to skin cancer.”

Experts say that physical sunblockage can be obtained from sunglasses, hats and clothing that are UV-resistant.

They also suggest staying in the shade during peak sunshine hours from 10am –3pm.

Sun exposure can lead to skin becoming dry and losing moisture, as well as essential oils. This can result in prematurely wrinkled and flaky skin.

“Sunburn causes skin to turn red. If it is severe, the skin can become fluid-filled vesicles and blisters. Extended sun exposure can cause permanent skin damage, such as the appearance of patches of actinickeratosis that feel like sandpaper.

“This can be a warning sign of increased risk of skin cancer”They also added.

“However, people with darker skin of every ethnicity aren’t exempt from the damaging effect of the sun’s UV rays .

“People with darker skin usually have higher levels of pigments in their skin, known as melanin.”

Melanin, a substance that causes skin to tan and helps block UV rays, is one example.

“There is a limit to how much melanin can protect the skin against UV rays, and so people of all skin tones should wear SPF”Pareena also added.

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