Hamas Fanatics Threaten Israeli Teen with Rape: Sister’s Last Heartbreaking Message Exposed


Chilling Last Message Revealed: Israeli Teen Threatened by Hamas Sends Final Text

The sister of the terrified Israeli teen who was threatened with rape by Hamas butchers has revealed her sibling’s chilling last message. Sasha Ariev, 24, received the final text from her only sister Karina Ariev, 19 – just moments before she was harassed by Hamas men inside a terror camp in Gaza.

Final Text from Terror Camp
Just last week, a shocking video appeared to show the five youngest Hamas hostages in Gaza – including Karina – being tortured by the brutal captors who constantly hurled sick taunts at the teen girls. The gruesome clip showed even a Hamas terrorist pointing at Karina – who was kidnapped from her bed with her snoopy pyjamas – saying: “Here are the girls, women, who can get pregnant. These are the Zionists.” He chillingly added in Arabic: “You are so beautiful.”

Urgent Plea from Karina
Just a few moments before the video was shot, Karina was able to send her final text to Sasha from a terror camp inside Gaza. Sasha has now revealed her sister urged her to look after their parents and stay strong. The neuroscience student, who has now paused her life to bring back her only sister home, added she could see the terror in Karina’s eyes – and revealed she might have thought “this could be the end”.

Heart-Wrenching Request
Speaking to the Daily Mail, she said: “I could see the understanding in her eyes, and a few minutes later she sent me a message that if she won’t leave if she won’t make it out alive, she asked me to keep our parents safe and to be strong and not to wallow in sorrow but to continue living. “This is how we are. We are strong, and this is the bond between us and how we were holding this family together.”

Families Plead for Mediation
The agonising decision to release the video was made by Karina’s parents as well as the parents of 19-year-old Liri Albag, 19-year-old Naama Levy, 19-year-old Daniela Gilboa, 20-year-old Agam Berger as their daughters have still not made it back home. The families are pleading with mediators to resume talks and bring their children home as they now shared the most graphic photos of their daughters to date.

Mission to Bring Karina Home
Despite months of agonising pain, Sasha says it has now become her mission to get her sister back. She said: “I’m doing everything I can to bring Karina back alive as soon as possible. And only afterwards will I allow myself to cry. Only tears of joy.”

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