Halsey’s Label Responds to Singer’s TikTok Claim About New Song


Since Halsey posted a TikTok that her label will not let her release a new song she loves, the singer has sparked an intense debate amongst fans and industry professionals alike on the role the platform plays in the music world. The singer frustrations at her record label in a TikTok on May 23, claiming that they’re being blocked from releasing her next single for marketing reasons.

“Basically, I have a song that I love that I want to release ASAP, but my record label won’t let me,” read the text of the original TikTok Halsey (who uses she/they pronouns) posted that originally stirred the debate. “I’ve been in this industry for eight years and I’ve sold over 165 million records and my record company is saying I can’t release [the song] unless they can fake a viral moment on TikTok.”

Shortly after, she uploaded a second TikTok — this time it was an audio of a conversation one can assume to be between Halsey and a member of their label or team about the potential release schedule for the song. “I just hate this,” they say to the person off-camera who responds: “Oh I know, I hate it.”

A rep for the singer’s longtime label, Astralwerks-Capitol, responded on Monday morning, saying in a statement to Variety: “Our belief in Halsey as a singular and important artist is total and unwavering. We can’t wait for the world to hear their brilliant new music.”

The reaction to the TikToks has been split with many sharing their distaste and support for the artist in restriction while others have been left feeling cheated by the practice that’s left fans guessing what’s organic and what’s fabricated.

However, Halsey did get what her label was looking to get from her as many began using the sound on TikTok to add their commentary.

Halsey updated her Twitter on Sunday night in defense of her “TikTok tantrum,” she said she had spoken to her label to check in on whether or not the viral moment had granted her the pardon to release the song.

“They said ‘wow the tiktok is going really strong!’ I was like ok cool so can I release my song now? They said ‘we’ll see!’ tell me again how I’m making this up.”

As fans and spectators started flooding to Halsey’s responses, Halsey responded to a few:

The Twitter posts continued with Halsey went on Sharing that the music video is already finalized which garnered the same response: “again, the label owns it.”

Reps for Halsey and their label, Astralwerks/Capitol,

The irony of Halsey creating a viral TikTok moment claiming that their label will not release the song without a viral TikTok moment was not lost on observers — the internet went aflame with conversations. comparisons of other artists who have also vented their frustrations against the app being utilized for music marketing on the app itself.

FKA Twigs, Charli XCX, and Florence Welch are just a few of the many artists who have also vented their frustrations at their labels.

Labels forcing them to make “TikTok friendly” songs that can be snipped to fit the algorithm’s preference for short, snappy, danceable, and ultimately marketable music. This then sparked a conversation about labels relying too much on TikTok, banking on the viral moments instead of a traditional album promotional rollout.

From the fan’s POV — it seems the debate is on whether or not their favorite artists have control over their creative process and rather than the


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