Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 possible villains may have leaked already

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3It is still more than 15 months away but rumors and leaks about the highly anticipated final of the GuardiansTrilogy are already here. Actually, the most recent Guardians 3 rumor might actually spoil the name of the film’s main villain. It’s possible that fans of the MCU franchise may have seen it coming. Previous rumors also mention this. Guardians of the Galaxy development. James Gunn was a fan of the actor who played the role of the villain, and this confirmation is the latest. And Gunn never specified the actor’s role either. MCU rumors continue to rumor, Below are some big spoilers.

Gunn’s praise for Chukwudi Iwuji

Director and writer of Guardians 3Recently, he talked about his current work with the franchise in an interview. He said at the time that the third part in the trilogy isn’t the film you expect, teasing a darker fate for the beloved Guardians. He never mentioned the Guardians 3 villain, however.

It’s during this interview that he singled out Chukwudi Iwuji, without specifying what character the actor is playing:

It’s going great. Chukwudi, the Murn actor in PeacemakerPeople are amazed at how great this man is. Literally freaking. I think that I’m really happy. Before Christmas break, I gave a lot of scenes to Marvel. Kevin [Feige] went… They were all really, really, really stoked. But also, it’s not going to be the movie people… It’s different than what people are going to expect. It’s a hard road, but I’m really happy with it so far.

Iwuji was not present in previous Guardians installments. That means he’s a fresh addition to the crew. Given that Gunn sent Feige footage of Iwuji’s performance, the actor might play an essential character in the movie. Guardians 3Iwuji already has many heroes. Common sense suggests that Iwuji could be considered an antagonist or even a full-fledged criminal.

What’s interesting is that Marvel did recently confirm another big Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 character. Will Poulter will portray Adam Warlock. But Marvel is yet to give us Iwuji’s identity.

The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 villain

We now have a new report. From The Cosmic Circus’ Lizzie Hill. Hill states in the article that she learned from a trusted source that Iwuji was the High Evolutionary. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. That’s a well-known, smart, and very powerful Marvel villain who is perfect for Guardians 3. Hill said in a previous report that Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin would return in Hawkeye. And that’s exactly what happened.

According to current speculation, Rocker Raccoon may have been created by the High Evolutionary (Bradley Cooper). Rocket is now a much more important Guardians Member than ever before, especially with the events in Infinity War/Endgame. Rocket is a Guardian who, despite being five years older than his peers, is the most knowledgeable.

What’s interesting about Hill’s Guardians 3Report on villain: She goes through all previous rumors, reports and stories that mention the High Evolutionary previously in connection with Guardians 3. We just didn’t know that Iwuji would play him. The complete take can be found here This link.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3Marvel will release the film on May 5th 2023, assuming that Marvel follows its current schedule. This gives us plenty of time to learn more details about Iwuji’s character.

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