Grant Morrison exposes Zack Snyder’s controversial stance on Batman’s no-kill rule in explosive DC revelation

Should Batman Kill? Grant Morrison’s Take on Zack Snyder’s Controversial Stance

The Debate Continues

On Reddit, several fans supported Morrison’s idea that Batman was a character better served when he does not cross that line into “Punisher” territory. “That’s the entire point of the character. He makes the choice not to kill because that would make him no better than the criminals. It’s wild that Snyder doesn’t understand this,” u/RealBatuRem wrote. While some fans did offer some pushback that they don’t think Batman killing villains is literally equal to the worst things the Joker has ever done, they still maintained that it strays too far from the character’s core identity. “Don’t entirely agree with Morrison here. But I agree that if Batman killed his enemies, he would not be the same hero,” one Redditor wrote. Another fan echoed this sentiment. “A fundamental part of the character of Batman is being presented with the unwinnable situation and finding an answer without just killing everyone.”

The Cinematic History of Batman

Overall, the idea on whether everyone’s favorite Dark Knight should kill or not will forever be the ultimate debate for comic book fans. However, it should be noted that Zack Snyder’s take on the character isn’t the only cinematic Batman that has killed. Tim Burton took some violent creative licenses during his iconic run with the Caped Crusader. Christopher Nolan did too. Meanwhile, in the comic books, the DC hero is not always a saint, especially during his earliest adventures. For further proof, just check out every time Batman has broken his biggest rule.

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