Granddaughter Gifts Grandma Doll She Dreamed of All Her Life – Lady Responds with Happy Tears


One woman spent her whole adult life dreaming of owning a special doll. But it never became a reality. Although it was a small dream, her heart still long for the doll. She became a grandmother, and was surprised to receive a surprise gift.

Doña Carmoza got the surprise of a lifetime thanks to her granddaughter. As she unwrapped a pink present, the woman appeared excited in a now viral video posted on Twitter.

When she saw what was underneath the wrapping paper, the Brazilian woman was overwhelmed with emotion. Although it was a simple gift to her, it represented a lifetime of dreams that became a reality.

Doña Carmoza unwrapping her present. | Source:

Doña Carmoza unwrapping her present. | Source:

It Meant the Whole World to Her

Carmoza opened the gift quickly, and her reaction to it was one of amazement and disbelief. She struggled to find words and cried in delight and joy. Before she even had finished wrapping the present, she moved towards her granddaughter to hug her.

The doll had been given by her grandchild. Although Carmoza was no longer a little girl, her expression and the happy tears that she shed proved that it meant a lot to her.

A few netizens were moved by the story and many others felt touched by the woman’s response. Similar stories were shared by users about how they gifted other people with the items they longed for.

Doña Carmoza. | Source:

Doña Carmoza. | Source:

The priceless reaction of the Grandmother

Carmoza’s granddaughter received hugs and kisses from her grandmother, as a sign of gratitude. In the video, Carmoza’s grandmother even showed her granddaughter what she had received.

Her reaction to the Barbie doll lit up her face and was priceless. Her granddaughter captured the moment and shared the experience with the rest of the world. The online community highlighted:

“The child in you never forgets the things it wanted no matter how old you get.”

Doña Carmoza's priceless reaction to her gift. | Source:

Doña Carmoza’s priceless reaction to her gift. | Source:

There’s more to be kind.

The video was captioned: “BEAUTIFUL SURPRISE. Doña Carmoza is surprised with a Barbie doll from her granddaughter. She’d wanted a Barbie her whole life.” Twitter users responded to it by sending positive messages and hearts.

Netizens encouraged others to do the same and spread kindness, just like the granddaughter. The world needs it. The clip received countless views and was shared on Instagram where netizens continued to voice their opinions.

The video caught the attention even of Barbie’s official Instagram page. After Carmoza requested that they send her a collection, the Good News Movement invited them to join the cause. The company Comment:

“Beautiful We’d love to! @goodnews_movement please DM us if you have any information that might help us reach out to her.”

Doña Carmoza. | Source:

Doña Carmoza. | Source:

The Online Reaction

One user is aptly NotedIt was the small things in life that mattered most. “some people [took] for granted [that] are the biggest things to others.”These were not the only ones who left comments. Many others shared their thoughts and explained what they thought of the clip.

The story made some netizens weep, and the woman’s emotional reaction touched many hearts. Other users shared similar stories about how they gifted others items they had hoped to find.

“I did this with a beautiful sweet elderly man who used to be a patient at my dental office. He never had a Radio Flyer and always wanted one. We contacted Radio Flyer and they sent us every size they ever made. It was amazing, we cried.”

– (@thehemphippi) July 19, 2021

“Think about this when you try to complain about your life today people. This lady is probably 70 and all she wanted was a doll. She was probably too busy working and raising kids to buy anything for herself. This is awesome and sad at the same time.”

– (@jeffeggink) July 19, 2021

“Barbies in my home country used to be pretty expensive back in the day. I remember saving my allowance and buying a Barbie and all my savings were spent. I know exactly how she feels having a Barbie.”

– (@pezvaan) July 19, 2021

“It reminds me of when I gave a coworker one of my knitted teddy bears. She never had a teddy bear in her life.”

– (@katie_lynne8040) July 11, 2021

Carmoza’s dream was realized, even though she was very old. The kindness of her grandaughter is inspirational and shows that joy can often come from simple things like a smile, a thoughtful gesture or even a doll.

Here’s another touching story about an elderly woman and her long-held wish. The centenarian had one desire for her 100th birthday—it was unexpected and involved the police!


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