Good Morning America Host Michael Strahan Was Shocked By GMA!

Good Morning America Hosting Michael Strahan His co-hosts surprised him live, and he got the shock in his life. He was clearly delighted by the surprise as shown by his touching Instagram post. If anyone deserves a kind show of support like this one, it’s Strahan.

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Good Morning America Host Michael Strahan Was Shocked By GMA!

Michael Strahan expressed his gratitude to Good Morning America’s team for surprising him with familiar faces. On Wednesday, Strahan’s co-hosts and crew organized a blast from the past by inviting several of Strahan’s former teammates from his time on the New York Giants to stop by the popular morning show.

Jessie Armstead, Justin Tuck, and Eli Manning stopped by Strahan’s popular morning show to shock him literally. The broadcast went on as normal until a crew member pulled out a large, wooden box. After a few more knocks on the box, the top opened to reveal Manning inside. The sides gave way quickly so Manning could get out to give Strahan a manly fist bump.

Strahan admitted that he thought something might be going on since his co-hosts were all holding note cards with questions, but he hadn’t been given one. Despite his growing suspicions, however, this was a surprise he definitely wasn’t expecting judging by his hilarious reaction to a confetti cannon going off behind him. Tuck and Armstead apparently didn’t agree to be wheeled out in a crate, since they walked onto the news set on their own two feet, but Strahan was no less pleased to see them than he was Manning. Before giving them each a fist bump, Strahan paced around a bit and clearly was still reeling from his shock.

A Visit From Eli Manning, Jessie Armstead And Justin Tuck To Celebrate Jersey Retirement

Strahan was asked why his teammates were there, and why all of them were wearing his jersey. Manning retorted that Strahan had guessed it was because his jersey was being retired. “You’re smarter than you look!”Strahan, always a charmer, responded with dry self-deprecating humor. “I surprise myself sometimes.”

He thanked his former teammates for the jersey retirement and said they were “instrumental in my career.”He also pointed out that Manning was getting his jersey retired as well, which was a nice gesture. “I carried all three of these guys throughout their careers.”

Check out the Video Below to See the Full Effect

It was clear that Strahan appreciated the support of his former teammates, despite all jokes aside. Strahan wrote in the caption of Strahan’s Instagram video, “I’m still in shock. This is a moment I will always remember.”This segment is too good to miss, especially for Giants fans.

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