Gayle King offers a chance for reconciliation between Prince William & Prince Harry


As Gayle King reported on Queen Elizabeth’s funeral earlier this month, she shared a few lasting images of the royal funeral. King spoke of Prince William, Kate Middleton and their children and then reflected on the tension between Prince Harry, the royal family, and Prince Harry. As King hinted at a possible reunion, we’re all left wondering if a reconciliation could happen in the near future.

The Brothers’ Latest Meeting Seemed Positive

Since Harry and Markle retired as royal family members in 2020, the princes are now estranged. Tensions rose after the couple moved to Montecito (California) and resigned their royal duties. However, just days before the queen’s death, the couple had returned to the UK to promote their charities and causes. Since the couple’s European tour coincided with the queen’s funeral, the couple attended the funeral. They left behind their children Archie, 3 years old, and Lilibet (1 year), on the other side.

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Just before Harry and William interacted at the queen’s funeral, the two princes seemed to be making a step towards reconciliation. The day before the funeral, the new Prince and Princess and Princess of Wales were seen together with Harry Markle and Meghan Markle. The previous “Fab Four”The brothers were seen together walking to Windsor Castle and looking at the flowers. Then the brothers interacted at key parts of the queen’s funeral, possibly alluding to a reconciliation between the royal family and Harry.

Gayle King ‘Efforts On Both Sides To Make This Right’

She covered the funeral and procession. Gayle King reported on a few takeawaysThe day. She first mentioned how it was a wonderful surprise to see William and Middleton’s children at the celebration of the queen’s life. King then spoke of the lasting impression Harry’s attendance at the funeral made on her. “There have been efforts on both sides to sort of make this right. We shall see,”King made the observation. “It was good to see Harry standing with his family.”

King reminded viewers, too, that families often fall out. “Big families always go through drama, always go through turmoil,”King shared. “It remains to be seen. Are they going to be drawn closer together or are they going to be drawn apart?” That’s the question we’re all asking. The answer may not be forthcoming for a while.


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