For a month, he will only eat meat and fruit


For a month, he will only eat meat and fruit

  • Joe Rogan, UFC commentator/podcaster, said that he would limit his intake to meat and fruit for a month.
  • He has said the “carnivore”His diet led to him losing weight and giving him more energy. It also led to diarrhea.
  • The diet is not recommended by dietitians because it lacks nutrients such as fiber.

Joe Rogan, a podcaster, said that he would give up vegetables, bread and almost all other foods to start the new year.

Rogan Last week on Instagram:He was about to embark on a so-called “carnivore” diet in January, after a final Enjoy pasta as a dinner option).

“Just meat and fruit for the whole month,”He wrote.

His Instagram doesn’t reveal his usual meals, but it is clear that he has a variety of them. It is possible to suggestBreakfast is a staple: ribeye.

Rogan has tried the diet before — he said he lost weight but had severe digestive issues, too. It is not recommended by dietitians because it can lead to side effects such as digestive upset.

Rogan’s prior meat-only diet resulted in weight loss, energy and diarrhea.

In January 2020, the podcaster claimed that he had been eating animal products for 30 days. This led to him losing 12 pounds and feeling more energetic.

He Instagram:that “lots of aches and pains went away” andThat he’d seen “improvements in my vitiligo,”A chronic skin condition.

Rogan stated that he experienced explosive and frequent pooping, which he detailed in great detail to his followers.

“I haven’t shit my pants yet, but I’ve come to accept that if I keep going with this diet it’s just a matter of time before we lose a battle,” He posted the following on January 11, 2020With a photo of his liver and bacon dinner

Rogan wrote later that the stomach issues lasted approximately two weeks.

Rogan’s Instagram account at the time suggested two meals a day for a carnivore. He would eat six eggs for breakfast and a steak for dinner. For dinner, he would eat another steak (elk or beef) and sometimes other types of wild animals like bison.

Fiber is often missing from meat-only diets, which can lead to side effects such as digestive upset.

Diarrhea can be caused by a reduction in vegetables, grains, or other plant foods. Although meat is rich in nutrients, fiber is a slow-digestible carbohydrate.

Studies show fiber may reduce the chance of developing illnesses such as

Heart disease

They can aid in healthy digestion.

Many plant foods are also rich in other nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants — and missing them in your diet may cause health issues.

While the carnivore lifestyle has been very popular over the years, dietitians aren’t recommending it.

Rogan and others know January as World Carnivore Month. VeganuaryThis demonstrates the ongoing conflict between vegans and meat-eaters over which diet is best.

Advocates such as Dr. Shawn Baker (an orthopedic surgeon and CEO of Revero) have popularized the diet.

“We’re trying to simplify. Rather than adding supplements, superfoods, this is the opposite approach, removing irritants,”Baker spoke previously to Insider. “It’s very simple to follow. No other animal on the planet sits there with a diet manual or a calculator.”

The carnivore lifestyle is compatible with popular paleo and keto diets.

Other carnivores also have anecdotal stories about weight loss and mental clarity. They use hashtags like #MeatHeals on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

Baker is currently conducting research on the health effects of a carnivore’s diet. However, there is no evidence to support any claims about its benefits.

Because of possible side effects, dietitians warn against eating carnivore meals. Experts say that eliminating carbs almost completely can lead to fatigue and muscle breakdown.

Eating red meat has also been linked to a higher risk of heart disease and cancer — though the risks of eating unprocessed red meats might be lower than the risks of regularly eating processed meats. A lower chance of illness has been associated with diets high in plants.


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