Florida Mom prays for her son in a coma for eight months until he finally wakes up


Yolanda Osborne Kohn | Yolanda Osborne Kohn and Her Son | Source: youtube.com/First Coast News | facebook.com/FirstCoastNews

When their son was in an accident on a motorcycle, it turned the family’s life upside down. His mother was able to keep her faith despite the fact that doctors had given up on him.

Drew Kohn knew he had a bright future and that his life would be forever changed by the time he turned 23.

Drew’s father, David Kohn knew from the beginning that Drew was gifted. Since he was a child, it was obvious that Drew was meant to be on the sports field. Unfortunately, the young athlete’s active lifestyle abruptly ended and was unexpectedly cut short.

The Devastating Incident

Drew was on his way to the gym, when Drew’s worst nightmare became a reality. He was severely injured in a motorcycle accident that left him with very little chance of recovering. Drew was in terrible pain after a motorcycle accident. Casey Kambach and Ben Kambach were there to witness the event and they rushed to help Drew. Casey Share:

“I just knelt down to him and told him to keep breathing and doing what he was doing and he took a really deep breath in … I knew [it] was enough that he was breathing.”

Drew was left in a coma following the crash. Yolanda Kohn, a Florida mom, believed that Drew would recover. She prayed for a miracle for more than 240 consecutive days. Source: youtube.com/First Coast News

Yolanda Osborne Kohn. | Source: youtube.com/First Coast News

Yolanda Osborne Kohn. | Source: youtube.com/First Coast News

His Mother Refused To Give Up

Drew was left in hospital with life-threatening injuries after the accident. His mother was his caregiver. Recalled: “He looked like death, smelled like death, and responded like death.”

Although Drew was unable to speak immediately, Drew’s waking up was the first of many miracles.

Drew’s promising youth was stolen by the 2017 crash, but Drew’s mom refused to give in. Yolanda asked God for healing every morning and night, holding on to her faith and believing in miracles.

It was not easy

Drew was declared brain dead but his mother survived. : “All things are possible when God is in it.”It wasn’t an easy process, and Drew’s family was continually reminded that Drew should not be expected to wake up the same way as before.

The mother Not noted: “Every single day was a battle … it was ‘he’s not able to do this, he’s not ready, he’s not awake.'” This did not change her heartfelt pleas to God.

God Responded to the Mother’s Prayers

God fulfilled Yolanda’s prayer after eight months. The mother who was an emotional wreck Share: “Your prayers count. That’s what I want people to know.”

Her son was able to wake up from his coma and speak again. Drew was unable to speak immediately but his waking was the beginning of many miracles.

His First Words

Drew was allowed home by his mother, who cared for Drew every day. Unexpectedly, her son gave her an answer. He answered her question and it was likely that she expected no response.

Her son, however, surprised her and many doctors with his first words and response. He : “Mom, I’m okay. I love you, mom.”

Yolanda shared that her son’s voice was a significant gift to the family after nearly 250 days. It was like moms hearing their baby speak their first words. The battle was far from over.

Drew Kohn. | Source: youtube.com/First Coast News

Drew Kohn.Source: YouTube.com/First Coast News | Source: youtube.com/First Coast News

Their faith kept them going

Drew had a long road ahead of him, and new technology enabled Drew to voice his opinion. Drew asked his mom for a Bible, and he opened Psalm 100 as well as Psalm 56. His mom ShareThe moment you will never forget

“He was crying and I was crying. You can’t say his mind is not there. Not only did he ask to read a certain scripture but [it said], ‘the Lord is my refuge. Who will I run to? Who is my strong tower?'”

Walking Miracle

Drew was still strong and determined to get up and move out of his wheelchair. Drew spent hours in physical therapy and rehab, learning how to walk and pushing through the pain.

His mother was thrilled with his achievements and could not wait to see what God would do through her son. She :

“He has a story to tell — he has a testimony. So he’s a walking testimony.”

Drew’s story is unique and his miraculous recovery is inspiring.His mother’s prayers were answered and we celebrate his healing with him. God bless him.

Click here to read about another family’s amazing miracle. A teenager was in danger of death when he suddenly woken up from a coma. After waking up, his words were quite shocking.


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