Five unanswered questions in hunt for Sabina Nessa’s Murderer as CCTV released.


Five unanswered questions in hunt for Sabina Nessa's Murderer as CCTV released.

The public is being urged to share CCTV images of a mystery man and a silver car in hopes of bringing schoolteacher Sabina Nessa’s killer to justice.

Scotland Yard is calling for assistance as detectives try to solve the murder of the 27-year old in south London.

Sabina’s murder has brought about widespread grief and increased concerns about women’s safety. She was set to walk for five minutes when she was shot to death.

Sabina, from Catford, had just left home to walk the short distance to a pub to meet her date. She vanished around 8.30 pm Friday.

Her body was discovered by a dog walker in a pile of leaves at the park the next day.

Sabina was described as “beautiful, talented, and caring” by her grieving sister.

According to her pals, the talented young woman hoped to go abroad to study in Dubai.

Investigators at work in Cator Park, south London, where Sabina’s body was found
Where did she vanish?

Detectives claim Sabina, a teacher at Rushey Green Primary school in Lewisham, began a five-minute journey to meet a friend at Kidbrooke Village pub, south London, at 8.30 pm on Friday.

The journey would have taken her only 5 minutes from her Astell Rd house across Catford Park to reach The Depot at Pegler Square.

According to her friends, she was eager to go on a date with an old friend at the bar.

But she didn’t show up.

Sabina failed to turn up at the bar and was not reported missing.

A dog walker discovered her body under a pile of leaves near the OneSpace community center in Cator Park in Kidbrooke at 5.30 pm Saturday.

The police have yet to say publicly where she was attacked.

Detectives would like to hear from anyone who recognizes this man or has seen him in recent days.

What was the cause of death?

Police reported Monday that the results of a Greenwich Mortuary post-mortem were inconclusive.

Detectives believe she was struck with a large object. She was then taken to Cator Park, where her body was discovered.

Met Police spokesperson said that the force does not comment on reports about the murder weapon.

Who was the victim?

Police have said they were keeping an open mind on a motive to the killing, widely reported as a suspected stranger attack.

Speaking at the scene where tributes had been laid to Sabina next to the police cordon at Cator Park on Thursday, Detective Chief Superintendent Trevor Lawry said earlier he is “keeping a completely open mind” on the motive of the attacker may have been.

Chief Superintendent Trevor Lawry surveys the tributes at Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south London.
Asked whether detectives were worried the killer could attack someone else, he said: “We have lines of inquiry that we’re pursuing at the moment.

“It’s always a concern that it may happen, but that’s not something that we have any intelligence on at this time.”

Asked whether he believed the killing was a stranger attack, DCI Lawry told reporters: “That’s definitely a line of inquiry that at.”

Speaking on condition of anonymity, Sabina’s flatmate told reporters she feels unsafe after losing her friend.

Her fearful housemate of four months said she had last seen Sabina when the pair hung out and took pictures together.

She told The Guardian: ‘I never thought something like this could happen to her. I had been texting her, and it’s not like her not to reply to my messages.

“I don’t feel safe living here now.”

CCTV issued by the Metropolitan Police of a man detectives want to speak to in connection with Sabina’s death
Who is the man in the CCTV images?

Police believe CCTV images of a man they saw walking through South London would be a good source of information.

According to police, the man seen walking through the area during the attack was also present. They also have pictures of a silver car that they believe he could have access to.

CCTV footage shows the man walking around Pegler Square, south London, on Sabina’s attack night.

A silver vehicle police want to trace in connection with the murder

Where is the mystery car captured on CCTV going?

Police also released an image of the vehicle they believe the man may have access to. It was also taken in the Pegler Square area.

Police ask anyone who recognizes the vehicle and man to get in touch immediately.

Police have yet to provide any further information about the vehicle’s location or direction.

However, they did say they would like to see the man and the car in the South London borough Greenwich.

Are there any arrests?

In his 40s was taken into custody on Saturday night on suspicion of murdering at Lewisham’s address. He was later released after police investigated.

On Thursday, the Metropolitan Police reported that another 38-year older man was arrested at an address near Lewisham under suspicion of Sabina’s murder. He was currently being held in custody.

Tributes are laid at the Kidbrooke, south London, park where the teacher’s body was found.

What can you help with?

Police want to speak to anyone who may have seen anything that could help their investigation.

Met asks anyone who recognizes the man on the CCTV images or has seen him recently to contact them.

From the Met’s Specialist Crime Command, Detective Chief Inspector Neil John said: “Our team has been working tirelessly to find the person responsible for Sabina’s murder, and this has included an extensive trawl of CCTV, work which remains ongoing.

“We would ask anyone – especially those in Kidbrooke and the broader area of Lewisham and Greenwich – to take a careful look at these images to check whether you know who this man is or have seen him over recent days.Five unanswered questions in hunt for Sabina Nessa's Murderer as CCTV released.

“Any information as to his identity or whereabouts could be vital for our investigation, so we are asking you to share this image far and wide to ensure as many people as possible see it.”

Women pay their respects at Cator Park, where the schoolteacher’s body was found.

Where to attend the vigil for Sabina Nessa

Vigils are being held for Sabina in locations around London later on Friday, and people are being encouraged to light candles on their doorsteps.

Reclaim the Streets, a campaign group calling for an end to male violence against women involved in organizing previous vigils, said it is “angry and heartbroken” about her murder.

Sabina’s murder comes after Sarah Everard was kidnapped murdered by a Met officer as she walked home. Also, sisters Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman were stabbed to death in a park.

‘I don’t feel safe living here now.’

Sabina’s community of Kidbrooke in Greenwich has organized a vigil at 7 pm on Friday evening in Pegler Square, with the support of Reclaim these Streets.

The campaign group states that the vigil will commemorate Sabina’s life and transform lives as campaigners demand women’s safety rights.

  • Anybody with information about the Sabina Ness case is asked to call Crimestoppers anonymously at 0800 555 112 or the Met Police incident room 0208 721 4266.