Find out why Justin and Hailey Bieber are staying strong despite tough times in their marriage – divorce is not an option!

Is Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber’s Marriage on the Rocks? Exclusive Source Reveals the Truth

The Couple’s Relationship Troubles
The couple, who got married in September 2018, are currently facing challenges in their five-year marriage. Despite rumors of a trial separation and living separately, a close source reveals that they are not considering divorce. The insider emphasizes that it’s just a rough patch that they are determined to work through.

Desperate to Stay Together
According to the source, Justin and Hailey are committed to each other and are actively working on their marriage. The couple’s religious beliefs are a significant factor that prevents them from pursuing a divorce. “Divorce is not an option for them as it goes against their religious beliefs. They’re working on their marriage,” the source explained.

Navigating Through Challenges
While there have been speculations about them spending time apart and staying with friends and family occasionally, the couple remains resolute in staying together. The source mentioned, “Nobody’s moved out, but occasionally they are spending time apart by staying with family and friends, but they are really keen to stay together.” In times of trouble, taking a breather and having space can sometimes help in resolving issues. It seems to be a strategy that is currently beneficial for Justin and Hailey as they figure things out.

Trouble in Paradise?
The couple’s behavior has been under scrutiny, especially since they partied separately on Halloween last year. Reports of Justin dancing with female friends and arriving at events separately from Hailey have fueled rumors of trouble in their relationship.

Hailey’s Response
Despite the ongoing speculations, Hailey dismissed the rumors of a split through a post on her Instagram Story. However, sources continue to hint at underlying issues in their relationship. Her dad’s public post requesting prayers for the couple further fueled the rumor mill.

Clarification and Reassurance
Contrary to the swirling rumors, sources close to the couple affirm that Justin and Hailey are not heading for a divorce. They are reportedly doing well and are very happy together. The reassurance comes as a response to multiple reports claiming otherwise. Justin has not spoken out about the rumors surrounding their relationship.

In conclusion, while challenges may arise in any relationship, Justin and Hailey Bieber are determined to weather the storm and remain committed to each other.

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