Fans Have Negative Reaction To Nicole Kidman’s Vanity Fair Cover Photo


Vanity Fair prides itself as a trendsetter and always in fashion. This week, it’s got egg on its face over a rough cover featuring Nicole Kidman. Here’s why folks are upset.

No Stranger To The Cover

Kidman is no stranger to Vanity Fair. She’s appeared on the cover at least six times over the years. One memorable cover from 2013 saw her doing her best Grace Kelly impression. She’s a regular presence, which makes what happened this week all the more perplexing. This is the Moulin Rouge star’s fourth Hollywood issue alone.

The 28th annual Hollywood Issue features eight different covers, nearly all of which are rather strange. Check out Benedict Cumberbatch bathing with swans for… some reason.

Kristen Stewart got an alright cover, but we couldn’t tell you why she’s throwing popcorn on the readers. Past years have usually focused more on glamour instead of these colorful covers. The magazine chose to go in a “surrealist” direction. Why? Couldn’t tell you.

Doesn’t Quite Look Like Herself

The worst cover, commenters say, was reserved for Kidman. The proud Oscar winner was photographed opening a gate in what looks to be a two-piece schoolgirl outfit. Worse yet, she just doesn’t look like herself. It all looks rather airbrushed and slimmed down in an unrealistic way. Kidman is north of 50-years-old and beautiful, but the magazine shoots her like she’s 16.

Internet Is Not Kind

Comments on Instagram ranged from “I’m confused” to “this styling is terrible. I’m shocked she agreed to this.” One critic wrote, “Why would you do that to her?” People think she looks creepy, looking more like an old Maxim cover than something from Vanity Fair.

Another commenter spelled out the strangeness succinctly: “Why does a 50+-year-old woman need to be fetishized as a teen to make it on the cover of Vanity Fair?!” If the point of the cover was to turn heads, then mission accomplished.

To be fair, others think she looked stunning. Neither Kidman nor the magazine has commented on the backlash, but it’s been steep. The last time Kidman faced this kind of backlash, she nearly quit Being the Ricardos. Aaron Sorkin talked her out of it, and now she’s up for another Academy Award for her performance.

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