Famous Actors who have appeared in more than 100 movies


Famous Actors who have appeared in more than 100 movies

Keith David is a unique combination of Hollywood’s most iconic look and sound, with his powerful frame and his deep, rich voice. It’s not hard to imagine why he’s been cast in so many movies over the course of his career — In fact, close to 150. David is able to effortlessly switch genres and can even perform wild comedy. “There’s Something About Mary,”Two years later, it was reopened with intense drama like “Requiem for a Dream,”Both films made me feel like a natural.

David’s film career began in 1979. He had 10 years of experience and already demonstrated his ability to switch genres, making movies that were as diverse as they are. “Platoon,” “The Thing,” “Road House,” “They Live,” “Always.”He isn’t afraid to play small roles in movies, regardless of his success and fame. His trademark pipes make him an ideal candidate for voice work. He has been featured in films like “The Princess and the Frog,” “Coraline,”English dub of “Princess Mononoke.”


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