Experts say that the demand for Brazilian butt lifts has created a dangerous black market for injections.


Brazilian buttlifts are gaining popularity. In fact, 40,000 were performed safely in Brazil last year.

They are, however, the most dangerous cosmetic surgery procedure. Numerous women have been killed by complications after butt lifts.

Dr. Constantino Mendieta, a board-certified Miami plastic surgeon, specializes in buttlifts.

“The problem is a lot of these people aren’t licensed, number one, and they’re not even medical professionals sometimes, and that’s where it gets really scary,”Mendieta stated.

Oklahoma nurse Rolanda Hutton alleges in a lawsuit that a botched procedure left her in a wheelchair — a claim her surgeon says is without merit.

“I try not to get emotional when people talk to me about this, but it’s hard,”Hutton claimed.

Experts claim that BBLs are in such high demand that unscrupulous and unqualified people are now looking to make a quick buck, offering low-cost injections for women.

Inside Edition’s investigative unit found a woman without a medical license advertising “advance glute enhancement needle therapy”Get an Instagram account starting at $950

Katie Taylor and Alycia Powers, Inside Edition producers, met Katie Taylor at an office space wearing hidden cameras.

When asked about the filler injection’s ingredients, the woman promoting it stated that they were “mainly collagen”Together with “aloe vera plant, seaweed, vitamin E, fucus” and something she didn’t know how to pronounce.

“We can Google it if you want,”She said.

She stated that another ingredient in the Syringes was coffee.

Inside Edition chief investigative correspondent Lisa Guerrero caught up with her as left for the night, and she repeatedly denied that she was performing black-market butt injections.

Inside Edition presented the video to Dr. Arthur Perry, a New Jersey board-certified plastic surgeon.

“We’re talking about a procedure that is not being done by a doctor, being done by an unlicensed professional, in an unsterile way, by someone who can’t even pronounce some of the ingredients that she’s injecting into your buttocks. C’mon now, this is crazy,”Perry stated.


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